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December 2021

A huge increase in investment for innovation in sustainable agri-food systems (SAS) will be critical for meeting the objectives of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement. Currently only a small fraction of investment addresses environmental or social goals together…

December 2021

This paper takes a first step in filling that gap in terms of assessing whether there is evidence to support proposals about how agricultural innovation pathways should be pursued. We have looked at the recent literature that proposes principles and approaches to achieving large-scale…

December 2021

Kalu Ganga, a major tributary of Amban Ganga, is one of the perennial rivers of Sri Lanka. Also, Amban Ganga is a major tributary of Mahaweli Ganga. The Kalu Ganga starts from Knuckles mountains, and about 90% of the catchment is covered with forests. The Government of Sri Lanka constructed Kalu…

December 2021

2021 was WLE’s final year – the culmination of a decade of science and impact. Throughout the year we saw the real-world difference made by our flagship projects and watched solutions unfold at landscape and basin scales. We also saw our research flow into larger processes in a year of…

Reports & Research
November 2021

Endless War: The Destroyed Land, Life, and Identity of the Tamil People in Sri Lanka, brings forth shocking new evidence on the extent of the continued persecution of the minority Tamil population in the North and East of the country.
Under the guise of “development projects,” government…

Reports & Research
October 2021

This paper provides an overview of the supply chains and flows that run from the mines of northern Mozambique and Malawi, to the international trade hubs of Sri Lanka and Thailand. Analysis of the political and economic environment in which mining and trading take place gives a contextual…

December 2020

The CGIAR is the leading global agriculture research institution working towards creating sustainable agricultural practices a reality through research and innovation. The CGIAR 2030 Research and Innovation Strategy states that the “CGIAR will contribute to collective global targets for…

December 2020

This document illustrates in detail the research and modelling methodology followed to estimate funding on innovation in agriculture, innovation in SAI, and break-down by various tags and conducted by Dalberg Advisors Asia. This report aims to serve as a guide to replicating the research and…

December 2020

A research-based strategy to reduce food waste and recycle it is adopted by the government.

December 2020

Agriculture plays a key dual role in Kenya. It provides livelihoods for 75% of the country’s population and supports 80% of its rural population. Crucially, it helps the country to meet its food security goals, which is increasingly challenging with Kenya’s population doubling over the last…

December 2020

Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) is the production of plants, fish, insects or animals inside structures, such as greenhouses and buildings, in controlled conditions. In a rapidly urbanizing world, CEA can contribute to sustainable development, e.g. through reduced use of land, water and…