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Journal Articles & Books
November 2008

This paper explains the operation methods in canal irrigation delivery systems using the MASSCOTE approach. It argues that on-farm irrigation scheduling is only possible when the delivery system provides the irrigation water at the expected time, rate and duration.

Journal Articles & Books
November 2008

The Gender in Agriculture Sourcebook provides an up-to-date understanding of gender issues and a rich compilation of compelling evidence of good practices and lessons learned to guide practitioners in integrating gender dimensions into agricultural projects and programs. The Sourcebook is a…

Reports & Research
November 2008

A quarterly news bulletin dedicated to the exchange of information relating to wildlife and national resources management for the Asia-Pacific region.

Reports & Research
November 2008

This report is based on the proceedings of the Technical Consultation on Gender, Property Rights and Livelihoods in the Era of AIDS, organized by FAO in November 2008. It takes stock of where FAO and its partners are in terms of addressing property rights insecurity and provides a proposed…

Reports & Research
November 2008

Does forest tenure matter? In what way does it matter? What are the links among tenure, sustainable forest management (SFM) and poverty alleviation (PA)? This paper presents the main findings of research that was conducted by FAO and partners from the Asia Forest Partnership with the aim of…

Reports & Research
November 2008

The report answers the following questions:

1. Is perpetual fee simple ownership of real property permitted? If not, what are the principal forms of ownership, or other principal form of ownership, of real property?

2. What instruments are used to convey fee simple ownership, or…

Reports & Research
November 2008

This report provides an in depth analysis of the inheritance rights of children in Sri Lanka. Chapter 2 looks at inheritance rights of children from a human rights perspective. It examines the international human rights instruments which guarantee the right…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2007

Our aim was to produce a uniform 'regional' land-cover map of South and Southeast Asia based on 'sub-regional' mapping results generated in the context of the Global Land Cover 2000 project. The 'region' of tropical and sub-tropical South and Southeast Asia…

Reports & Research
December 2007

Many decisions on water allocation in river basins are made on economic grounds. Environmental and social benefits of water should also be considered in river basin management, and attempts should be made to value them similarly. This is not a straightforward task and very few studies have…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2007

Following the widespread wreckage and loss of life caused by the Indian Ocean tsunami of 26 December 2004, unprecedented efforts where made to restore order and rebuild the lives and livelihoods of the millions affected. A proportion of the reconstruction and rehabilitation effort was focused on…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2007

Varias décadas atrás, las administraciones públicas concentraban sus esfuerzos en fomentar la pesca y la acuicultura y asegurar el crecimiento de la producción y el consumo de sus productos. En el decenio de 1980, cuando muchos recursos alcanzaron la plena explotación o incluso una…