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Legislation & Policies
May 1995

The State Law and Order Restoration Council Law No. 5/95 -
The 6th Waxing of Kason, 1357 ME. -
4 May 1995

Legislation & Policies
September 1994

The State Law and Order Restoration Council...
The Myanmar Mines Law...
(The State Law and Order Restoration Council Law No 8/94)...
The 2nd Waxing Day of Tawthalin, 1356 M.E.
(6th September, 1994)
"The objectives of this Law are as follows:…

Journal Articles & Books
November 1993

Dans de nombreuses régions du monde, les ressources en eau de plus en plus limitées et la mauvaise utilisation de l’eau douce mettent en péril le développement durable. Plus des deux tiers de l’eau prélevée dans les fleuves, lacs et nappes aquifères étant utilisés pour l’irrigation, l’…

Journal Articles & Books
November 1993

The importance of base-line reliable data on resource inventory for planning and management for sustainable exploitation of aquatic resources both in inland and marine sectors needs not to be over emphasised. They become all the more important in the highly dynamic situations of Bangladesh.…

Reports & Research
August 1993

This report by Green November 32 in 1993 was the first ever NGO perspective report written on the Yadana gas pipeline and on the border dams as they were first discussed by Thai and Burmese governments around that time. It was actually one of the first detailed reports on any of the post 1988…

Reports & Research
June 1993

Nyaunglebin District. Feb 93. Karen men, women: Forced relocation to undrained land; Only Karen villages made to move; SLORC's control of rice to control the population; forced labour (incl. portering). Description of the difficult economic conditions. Extortion; ransoming; looting.…

Legislation & Policies
January 1993

The State Law and Order Restoration Council -
The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law -
(The State Law and Order Restoration Council Law No.1/93) -
The 5th Waxing Day of Tabodwe, 1354 ME. -
27th January, 1993

Reports & Research
December 1992

Testimony by a refugee from central Karenni (Kayah) State and List of Villages Relocated in March 1992."
"(Northwest Karenni State) List of 76 villages relocated in March 1992. Deemawso and Pruso Townships March, July 92. Karenni men, women: Rape; forced labour incl. portering…

Reports & Research
November 1992

By 1993, 18.2 million men, women, and children across the world had left their homelands to escape persecution and violence. An average of 10,000 refugees a day were forced to flee the year before, as new upheavals forced out new victims. At least another 24 million were displaced within their…