<p>Myanmar is in the midst of rapid economic and social change, with dramatic consequences for land tenure. Under the military regimes that ruled Myanmar since 1962, the state was the main landowner, either directly or (after 1988) via proxy companies.</p>
Socio-economic indicators
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Land Area
65,267,000 ha
4,032.6 USD
Total population
Urban population
30.6 %
Land-related indicators
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Women owning land
9.4 %
NewsBrowse all
22 April 2023
People gather to harvest the rich green fields along the road from Taunggyi to Hsi Hseng. None of them, however, are wearing the usual indigo tunics and multi-colour turbans of Pa-O people, who predominate in this area of southern Shan State.
“They are soldiers and their families from military…
07 July 2022
Main photo: The Chinese fence inside Myanmar’s territory in October 2021. / NamKhamnews
China has cut off electricity to a border village in northern Shan State for nearly nine months due to boundary disputes, according to residents.
Nawng Kham village in Namkham Township is to the north of the…
01 July 2022
LANDac International Conference 2022 Session Summary
Taking notice of the 10th anniversary of the CFS Tenure Guidelines (TGs) this year, contributors to the session debated in light of case studies in Colombia, Myanmar and the Sámi territory in Finland the intricacies of land tenure policies, as…
BlogsBrowse all
12 July 2024
El seminario web "Caminos hacia los derechos consuetudinarios sobre la tierra y los bosques en el Mekong" tuvo lugar el 2 de julio de 2024. Se trataba del segundo seminario web de la serie "Estado de la tierra en la región del Mekong", cuyo objetivo es poner de relieve la evolución del entorno de…
EventsBrowse all
Durante los últimos nueve años, el proyecto apoyó la implementación de las Directrices Voluntarias sobre la Gobernanza Responsable de la Tenencia de la Tierra, la Pesca y los Bosques (DVGT) ayudó a los países a asumir compromisos políticos para erradicar el hambre, la inseguridad alimentaria y la…
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