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Reports & Research
February 2013

O meio rural tem sido palco de grandes investimentos externos, sobretudo na exploração de recursos naturais (mineração e florestas). Estão acontecendo novas dinâmicas na economia rural e, em particular, nas actividades de pequena escala que se traduzem no aumento de actividades – comércio…

Journal Articles & Books
January 2013

Prevê-se que nos próximos anos Moçambique entre na lista dos dez maiores produtores de carvão e dos vinte maiores produtores de gás natural no mundo. Com $ 2,7 mil milhões investidos nos sectores mineiro e de hidrocarbonetos em 2011 o país vive um autêntico frenesim de recursos minerais.

Reports & Research
January 2013

The mainstay of this report, however, is not so much an examination of the extractive industries themselves as an examination of the Mozambican government’s and society’s ability to handle the impacts of these industries and where capacity growth is most urgently needed. In this regard, this…

Conference Papers & Reports
January 2013

Innovation platforms are increasingly used as spaces for interaction between actors in value chains to overcome barriers to development. It involves continuous learning and capacity building – both in terms of innovation capacity and specific technical or organizational capacities. Despite the…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2012

Book chapter

Journal Articles & Books
December 2012

Book chapter

Journal Articles & Books
December 2012

Southern African Agriculture and Climate Change: A Comprehensive Analysis examines the food security threats facing eight of the countries that make up southern Africa — Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, and Zimbabwe — and explores how climate change will…