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January 2011

Current estimates of climate change state that the world’s average temperature is due to increase by at least 2oC to 2.4oC over the next 50?100 years. Furthermore it is expected that by the end of the century a range of additional impacts will be felt: sea levels will rise by an estimated 60cm,…

Policy Papers & Briefs
December 2010

Delimitation is the process of identifying the geographic boundaries of areas of land and preparing a record of that information. This <a href="

Journal Articles & Books
December 2010

As part of its commitment to local community development in Mozambique, the Community Land initiative (iTC), a project financed by a group of European donors, is supporting part of a honey production chain in Mozambique, specifically in Sussundenga district, Manica province. The support consists…

December 2010

The fight against poverty remains the key development goal of the Government of Mozambique (GoM). Success in the transformation of the agriculture sector is considered a necessary condition for meeting the goal because agriculture and poverty are closely related. About 80% of the population…

December 2010

Guião para a integração da perspectiva de género na legislação relativa a terra e águas em Angola, Cabo Verde e Moçambique por Luísa Borges &amp; André Calengo com Beatriz Galan &amp; Antonieta Coelho


O presente guião para a “Integração da perspectiva de género…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2010

O foco deste trabalho é a representação dos espaços presentes no romance Terra Sonâmbula (COUTO, 1999). Ele traz à tona a guerra civil em Moçambique (1976-1992), desencadeada por duas facções distintas que lutam por um mesmo fim: a conquista do poder político no país, após a independência…