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Journal Articles & Books
November 2016

As Diretrizes Voluntárias sobre a Governança Responsável da Posse da Terra, das Pescas e das Florestas no Contexto da Segurança Alimentar Nacional mencionam explicitamente os pastores como utilizadores das Diretrizes e como alvos de capacitação. Apesar da marginalização histórica e muitas vezes…

Reports & Research
November 2016

Meeting Name: FAO Regional Conference for Africa (ARC)
Meeting symbol/code: ARC/16/INF/16
Session: Sess. 29

Reports & Research
November 2016

Meeting Name: African Forestry and Wildlife Commission
Meeting symbol/code: FO:AFWC/2016/8.1
Session: Sess. 20

Reports & Research
November 2016

This local level land resources assessment methodology (LADA-Local) was produced within the Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands (LADA) project. See Box 1 for the LADA project objectives and outcomes and the website <a>…

Reports & Research
November 2016

Meeting Name: FAO Committee on Forestry
Meeting symbol/code: COFO/2016/7.5
Session: Sess. 23

Reports & Research
November 2016

Meeting Name: African Forestry and Wildlife Commission
Meeting symbol/code: FO:AFWC/2016/9.2
Session: Sess. 20

Reports & Research
November 2016

Meeting Name: African Forestry and Wildlife Commission
Meeting symbol/code: FO:AFWC/2016/Inf.1
Session: Sess. 20

Reports & Research
November 2016

Meeting Name: Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA)
Meeting symbol/code: CGRFA-16/17/Inf.13
Session: Sess. 16

Policy Papers & Briefs
November 2016

Ensuring equal rights in ownership and control over land for women and men is essential to achieve gender equality (SDG5) and eliminate poverty (SDG1). Yet capturing the true status of land rights and measuring progress in the SDGs targets related to land tenure is still a challenge, especially…

Reports & Research
November 2016

Meeting Name: African Forestry and Wildlife Commission
Meeting symbol/code: FO:AFWC/2016/4.2
Session: Sess. 20

Reports & Research
November 2016

This note focuses on the topic of access to land and land governance in protracted crises, providing some possible solutions illustrated by case studies from FAO interventions in such contexts. Protracted crisis represent a signal of alert on the fact that approaches proposed so far where not…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2016

The Technical Guide on Pastoralism builds on a number of initiatives and studies from recent years that have shone a light on pastoral governance and land tenure: on the inherent challenges pastoralists face, the shortcomings of governments in securing pastoral tenure, and the emerging examples…