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Reports & Research
May 2016

Refugees in Uganda are either self-settled or live in organized settlements that cover approximately 350 square miles of land set aside by the government of Uganda. Many refugees, especially in the northern districts, are in protracted displacement, and the Ugandan constitution prohibits the…

Policy Papers & Briefs
May 2016

Refugees in Uganda are either self-settled or live in organized settlements that cover approximately 350 square miles of land set aside by the government of Uganda. Many refugees, especially in the northern districts, are in protracted displacement, and the Ugandan constitution prohibits the…

Reports & Research
May 2016

The once beautiful foothills of Mount Elgon, in eastern Uganda are today seriously degraded, with excessive water run-offs and landslides becoming regular occurrences. Restoring the health and productive potential of the agroecosystem had become a dire need of those, mostly women, who stayed to…

Journal Articles & Books
April 2016

The focus of this review has been on both documenting the general resilience of many fish resources to climatic variability and its underestimation in livelihood importance, including in protracted crisis situations, but also on enhancing the potential supply of fish from dryland areas by better…

Policy Papers & Briefs
April 2016

Después de cuatro años desde que el Comité de Seguridad Alimentaria Mundial aprobara las Directrices voluntarias como consenso mundial para mejorar la tenencia, sus principios y procesos están inspirando a personas de todo el mundo a ponerse en acción. Suscitando gran aceptación por parte de los…

Journal Articles & Books
April 2016

La falta de acceso a recursos financieros es una de las razones por las que no se llevan a cabo actividades e inversiones forestales, a pesar de ser atractivas económica, social y ambientalmente. Es necesario, por tanto, una mejor comunicación e intercambio de información a fin de desarrollar…

Reports & Research
April 2016

We use community and household data with plot-level information to explore the determinants of different forms of land conflicts and the conflicts’ impact on agricultural productivity in Uganda. Tracing rural-rural migration patterns, we find that communities that receive/host more immigrants (…

Policy Papers & Briefs
March 2016

En esta edición, específicamente encontrará las siguientes notas: Seguridad Alimentaria, Agricultura Familiar y Recursos Naturales en la República Dominicana; Importancia de las legumbres en la alimentación; ¿Por qué tener una Ley sobre Soberanía, Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional?; Entrevista…

Journal Articles & Books
March 2016

We developed an interactive electronic weed identification tool, AFROweeds, and an online network, Weedsbook, for agricultural change agents to aid communication and offer assistance to rice farmers with specific weed problems. We collected quantitative and qualitative data to assess…

Policy Papers & Briefs
March 2016

Enhancing Tenure Security for Customary Lands and Natural Resources in Karamoja Region through Participatory Community Mapping

March 2016

Enhancing Tenure Security for Customary Lands and Natural Resources in Karamoja Region through Participatory Community Mapping

Reports & Research
March 2016

Developing Capacity Assessment Tool for Land Policy Implementation: Experience from Kenya, Mozambique and Uganda