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Reports & Research
December 2008

Poverty reduction and sustainable land management are two objectives that most Africancountries strive to achieve simultaneously. In designing policies to achieve theseobjectives concurrently a clear understanding of their linkage is crucial. Yet there isonly limited empirical evidence to…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2008

This paper evaluates, using logistic and multiple regression analyses, the socio-economic factors that influence farmers’ decisions to adopt rotational woodlot technology in the farming systems of Uganda, based on a household survey carried out between May and December 2004, involving 120…

Peer-reviewed publication
December 2008
Journal Articles & Books
December 2008

Soil erosion caused by low vegetation cover associated with agricultural land use in the catchment is blamed for the eutrophication of Lake Victoria. Above-ground biomass as an indicator of vegetation cover and biodiversity was assessed using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index,…

Journal Articles & Books
December 2008

While the need for land-related investment for sustainable land management and increased productivity is well recognized, quantitative evidence on agricultural productivity effects of secure property rights in Africa is scant. Within-household analysis of investments by owner-cum-occupants in…

Reports & Research
December 2008

This reports summarizes and synthesizes activities and achievements of the CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF) through the end of 2007. The CPWF is an intiative of the CGIAR designed to take on the global challenge of water scarcity and food security. It is an international, multi-…

Reports & Research
December 2008

The CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF) brings together scientists, development
specialists, and communities, in nine river basins across Africa, Asia and Latin America, to address
challenges of water scarcity, food security and poverty.
Some CPWF projects seek to…

Institutional & promotional materials
December 2008

The evaluation report reviews a methodology workshop and project proposal, held in Nairobi, Kenya. At the workshop it was recommended that team members should be grounded in a shared understanding of the conceptual literature on citizenship generally, and social citizenship in particular, as…

Reports & Research
November 2008

En septembre 2008, le projet FAO-Dimitra a organis son troisime atelier avec tous ses partenaires Bruxelles sur le thme : Stratgies dinformation et de communication pour lutter contre les ingalits de genre en matire daccs la terre et leurs consquences sur les populations rurales en…

Reports & Research
November 2008

In September 2008, the FAO-Dimitra project organised its third workshop with all its partners in Brussels, on the theme:“Information and communication strategies to fight gender inequality as regards land access and its consequences for rural populations in Africa”. This document presents a…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2008

The Gender in Agriculture Sourcebook provides an up-to-date understanding of gender issues and a rich compilation of compelling evidence of good practices and lessons learned to guide practitioners in integrating gender dimensions into agricultural projects and programs. The Sourcebook is a…

Reports & Research
November 2008

Safeguarding property rights of vulnerable people is an important policy issue, not least in the quest for poverty reduction in poor societies. This issue has become urgent due to recent developments, including the AIDS epidemic, globalization, climate change and other similar social and…