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Reports & Research
November 2010

Meeting Name: European Commission on Agriculture
Meeting symbol/code: ECA 36/10/3
Session: Sess. 36

Journal Articles & Books
November 2010

Le but principal de ce document est de présenter la situation énergétique actuelle du secteur alimentaire du point de vue de la demande et de l’approvisionnement, et d’identifier les moyens de rendre l’ensemble de la filière agro-alimentaire énergétiquement plus intelligent. Les systèmes agro-…

Reports & Research
November 2010

Land Tenure Working Paper 16 Governance of Land Tenure Eastern Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) looks at the land governance situation in the region. It has been prepared to provide a base for discussion for the regional consultation meetings on the FAO Voluntary Guidelines on…

Reports & Research
November 2010

Настоящее исследование по вопросам управления землепользованием в странах Восточной Европы и Содружества Независимых Государств (СНГ) было подготовлено в качестве основания для обсуждения в ходе региональных консультационных совещаний в рамках разработки Добровольных руководящих принципов…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2010

The present document is a follow-up to previous FAO technical assistance efforts in the sustainable development and management of the fishery and aquaculture sector in Georgia. It aims to call attention to and provide evidences of the fact that fisheries and aquaculture have substantial…

Conference Papers & Reports
January 2010

This case study will focus on valuing degraded land conservation and assessment of the potential costs and benefits of large scale land retirement within the transition economy of Ukraine. The assessment methods will follow the framework developed to estimate costs and benefits of Conservation…

Conference Papers & Reports
December 2009

This paper analyses costs and benefits of planting trees on marginal lands across forestry zones in Ukraine with the purpose of using them for timber production, erosion prevention and climate change mitigation. The research reveals that establishment of new forests to increase timber production…

Policy Papers & Briefs
December 2009

The specificity and uniqueness of land as a land appraisal object are disclosed. Principles of land appraisal are considered, their interrelation and dependence on land use features are shown.
Розкрито специфіку і унікальність землі як обєкта оцінки. Розглянуті принципи оцінки земельних…

Policy Papers & Briefs
December 2009

The present e-collection of scientific works deals with results of research on issues of economy, agrarian and engineering sciences studied by researchers, post-graduate students, magisters and students of Mykolayiv State Agrarian Univ. and other educational establishments of the Ministry of…

Policy Papers & Briefs
December 2009

The present e-collection of scientific works deals with results of research on issues of economy, agrarian and engineering sciences studied by researchers, post-graduate students, magisters and students of Mykolayiv State Agrarian Univ. and other educational establishments of the Ministry of…

Reports & Research
December 2009

There are millions of hectares of land in the Ukraine which either have been abandoned, or are farmed with a low land productivity due to severe land degradation. The Netherlands Embassy has requested a study to assess the opportunities and benefits of restoration of degraded steppe areas. The…

Reports & Research
November 2009

Land tenure working paper 3. This document reflects the policies, status and trends of governance in Eastern Europe and in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The study assesses the state of governance and evaluates the ability of countries to contribute to the elaboration of FAO’s…