Resource information
Once the Guidelines on Tenure Governance are approved, CSOs must energically monitor States' actions to
respect, protect and fulfill tenure rights, through strong, independent, participatory and transparent monitoring
mechanisms, which ensure that the principles established in the Guidelines on Tenure Governance are being
effectively taken into consideration.
Adoption and implementation of the Guidelines on Tenure Governance can be enriched by the lessons learned
from the Voluntary Guidelines on the Progressive Realization of the Right to Food adopted by FAO in 2004.
In order to illustrate the concerns regarding incorporation of human rights language, obligations and principles
of good governance in the Guidelines on Tenure Governance, this working document proposes a crossing of
PANTHER principles and the Guidelines on Tenure Governance's principles for implementation.
This working document explores the interconnections between the Right to Food and Tenure Rights, providing
learning examples and summarizing main questions to each one of the Implementation Principles of the
Guidelines on Tenure Governance.