Resource information
CGIAR-CPWF Project “International Training and Research Program on
Groundwater Governance in Asia: Theory and Practice” was designed and
implemented by International Water Management Institute (IWMI) to address the
deficiencies in human capacity of managing groundwater in the two large basins of
the world- the Indus-Gangetic basin and the Yellow River basin. The basic premise of
the project was that proper groundwater management needs to be built on informed
knowledge of professionals from the region, with emphasis on inter-disciplinary
knowledge and understanding of the actual groundwater situation in the rural areas.
This objective was achieved through development of an international courseware on
the subject and actual enhancement of the capacity of existing institutions and about
80 professionals working at junior and senior levels and engaged in media
dissemination in the basin states involved in groundwater research and management
so that they could undertake more integrated, multi-disciplinary and sustainable
approaches to groundwater governance.