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This paper analyses the climate change in La Plata Basin, one of the most important regions in South America due to its economy and population. For this work it has been used the Meteorological Research Institute (MRI) and the Japanese Meteorological Agency (JMA) atmospheric global model. For both near and far future, the projected changes for temperature over the entire basin were positive, although they were only statistically significant at the end of the XXI century. Changes in the annual cycle of mean temperature were also positive in all subregions of the basin. Regarding precipitation, there were no changes in the near future that were statistically significant. The summer (winter) is the only season where both models project positive (negative) changes for both periods of the future. In the transitional seasons these changes vary depending on the spatial resolution model and the area of study. The annual cycle showed that the largest changes in precipitation (positive or negative) coincide with the rainy season of each subregion. Regarding the interannual variability of temperature, it was found that the 20 km. model pro-jected a decrease of this variability for both near and far future, especially in summer and autumn. On the other hand, the 60 km. ensemble model showed a decreased of year-to-year variability for summer and an increase in winter and spring. It was also found that both models project an increase in precipitation variability for winter and summer, while in other seasons, only the 60 km. ensemble model presents the mentioned behavior.