Resource information
These Regulations introduce measures to supplement Council Regulations (EC) No. 1257/1999, (EC) No. 1260/1999, and Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1750/1999. The Community legislation referred to above provides for payment of assistance from the Guidance Section of the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund for measures which promote rural development falling within the scope of Council Regulation 1257/1999. Measures relating to Objective 1 areas (which include the Highlands and Islands for transitional support under Objective 1) are subject to the provisions of Council Regulation 1260/1999. These Regulations set up the Crofting Community Development Scheme and enable the payment of financial assistance under the Single Programming Document for the Highlands and Islands Special Transitional Programme which, in accordance with Council Regulation 1260/1999, was approved by the European Commission on 8th August 2000. Financial assistance under the Regulations can be provided for the implementation of a development plan which achieves one of the objectives listed in regulation 3(2). An eligible applicant who wishes to benefit from financial assistance must prepare a development plan which must include the information listed at regulation 4(2). Applications can be made at any time. The Scottish Ministers may, however, suspend receipt of applications.