Resource information
The Ordinance provides for the restitution of lands formerly owned by the State and unlawfully possessed or occupied. A notice of eviction shall be served to the persons occupying the land, complete with an eviction date by which they have to vacate the land. The evicted person may appeal against the eviction no later than six months since being served the notice itself. In case of being proven his/her rights to the land, he/she shall be compensated for all damages suffered on behalf of the eviction and shall be reinstated in possession of the land.As far as the decisions of the board are concerned, article 6 establishes that the chairman of the board shall inform the Settlement Officer of the decision taken in respect of every application. Said decision shall be communicated to the claimant and thereafter the necessary steps shall be taken by the Settlement Officer in order to give effect to the decision.
Amended by: State Lands (Recovery of Possession) Amendment Act. (1983-08-11)