Ministerial Decree No. 890 regarding land valuation.
Об установлении базовых ставок платы за земельные участки при их предоставлении в частную собственность, при сдаче государством или государственными землепользователями в аренду, а также размера платы за продажу права аренды земельных участков...
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This Ministerial Decree establishes basic prices for the plots of land for the concession thereof into private ownership (Annexes 1 and 2) and basic land charges for the plots of public land conceded on lease that must be equal to land tax. Annual rent rate shall be calculated as 100-120% of the basic land lease rate. Charges for the sale of the right of lease shall be set as percentage of cadastre land valuation for the period of: (a) up to ten years - 2% yearly; (b) from 11 to 30 years - 20% plus 1,5% for each year exceeding ten-year period; (c) from 31 to 49 years - 35% plus 1% for each year exceeding thirty-year period.
Amended by: Ministerial Decree No. 512 amending Ministerial Decree No. 890 regarding land valuation. (2008-05-29)