Resource information
The selected provisions of this Act introduce measures to prevent nuisances. No person shall cause a nuisance (defined by this Act) or shall suffer to exist on any land or premises owned or occupied by him or her of which (s)he is in charge any nuisance or other condition liable to be injurious or dangerous to health. Nuisance includes any polluted well or other source of water supply or any cistern or other receptacle for water, whether public or private, the water from which is used or is likely to be used by man for drinking or domestic purposes or in connection with any dairy or milk shop or in, or in connection with the manufacture or preparation of, any article of food intended for human consumption. The local authority may serve a notice on the author of the nuisance, requiring him or her to remove it and to execute such works and do such things as may be necessary for that purpose and if the local authority think it desirable. The Act sets out the procedure in case owner fails to comply with the notice.