Resource information
Judging by the increase in landing volume, Myanmar fisheries is developing fast. Due to
the amount of export earning fisheries sector have its role as one of the main contributors to
the national GDP. Thus fisheries are recognized as an important economic sector for the
country. The fisheries landing is significantly increasing in recent years. It is more than three
times larger than that of 1990s.
In 1990-91 the earning form fisheries export was only US$ 13 million. It has been
significantly increased in 10 years to US$ 218 million in 2000-2001 and then US$ 250
million in 2001-2002. Thereby fisheries export is promoted and the landings are given priority
for exporting. Due to the lack of proper reporting and recording system, it is difficult to
clarify the actual domestic utilization of fisheries products in terms of food or non food...