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The adoption and adaptation of enclosures in the arid and semi-arid rangelands of sub-Saharan Africa is driven and
sustained by a combination of factors. However, reviews indicate that these factors cannot be generalized, as they
tend to be case specific. A study was therefore conducted to explore the history and reasons for enclosure establishment
in Chepareria, a formerly degraded communal rangeland in north-western Kenya. While Vi-Agroforestry Organization
accounting for 52.5 % was the main source of knowledge on enclosure establishment; it has now emerged
that rangeland enclosures among the Pokot pastoral community existed prior to land management interventions by
Vi- Agroforestry. Results indicated that there are three categories of enclosures which were established for boundary
demarcation, provide grazing reserves, enable proper land management, facilitate crop cultivation in a pastoral setup
and to curb land degradation. The role of self-trigger [accounting for most of the spontaneous enclosures (73.5 %)]
indicates the continued establishment and expansion of areas under enclosure management as private land ownership
accounting for 51.7 % of enclosure tenure continues to gain momentum in Chepareria. While rangeland enclosures
in Chepareria were mainly established for boundary demarcation, to alleviate pasture scarcity and enable proper
management of formerly degraded areas; they have facilitated land restoration and rehabilitation by increasing flexibility
in land, fodder and livestock management amongst agro-pastoralists in Chepareria over the last three decades.
To ensure that rehabilitated areas do not revert to their previously degraded state; technical interventions are needed
to allow for a more intensive use of rangeland resources within enclosed areas.