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News on Land

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Displaying 4141 - 4152 of 4998

Sharing The Economic Benefits Of Urban Agriculture

By: Judoemue Kollie

Date: 11 January 2017

Source: Daily Observer

An increasing number of residents in Monrovia and its suburbs are involved in urban farming for income generation and food security.

Urban and peri-urban farming is the growing of crops and raising of animals within and around cities. It also involves the production of inputs, processing, marketing, and the provision of services to agricultural producers and agro-entrepreneurs.

Côte d’Ivoire : Le trafic du bois toujours actif

Déjà en proie à de multiples défis, le gouvernement ivoirien est également confronté au trafic du bois. Cette filière frauduleuse ne cesse pas de se développer. Ainsi, depuis le début de l’année, les saisies ne font que s’enchaîner. Le week-end dernier, le Ministre en charge des Eaux et des Forêts, M. Clément Bouéka Nabo, a dû effectuer un déplacement vers le port de San Pedro, où 30 conteneurs de 40 pieds de bois de vèine venaient d’être saisis, alors que la cargaison s’apprêtait à prendre le large.

Kenya: Elders Dismiss Attempt By Parliamentary Committee to Resolve Land Disputes

By: Vivian Jebet

Date: February 16th 2016

Source: / Daily Nation

Elders from Somali, Borana, Samburu and Turkana communities have dismissed attempts by a Parliamentary committee on Lands to resolve disputes in Isiolo.

The elders said they were disappointed by recent visit by the legislators and the manner in which they conducted investigations as per the Okoa Jahazi Sacco lobby petition.

Vacancy Announcement: Junior Consultant –Integrated Land and Water Management

The Global Water Partnership and the International Land Coalition are committed to work together to promote integrated land and water governance, with an emphasis on knowledge generation and sharing. This collaboration will build on the fact that the Director of the International Land Coalition Secretariat, has been recently appointed as member of GWP’s Technical Advisory Committee.