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News on Land

Get the latest news on land and property rights, brought to you by trusted sources from across the globe.

Displaying 4237 - 4248 of 4998

Improving a test version of the Observatory

August 7, 2012

The Land Observatory is a project involving those who will contribute, verify and update information on land deals to a web-based platform, and involving those who will explore this information and analyze it. There is no use in developers blindly building a platform without fully understanding the needs and desires of both of those sets of potential users.

Joint paper advocates for the inclusion of targets specifically related to women’s land and property rights in the post-2015 development agenda

[via the Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights] The Global Initiative on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, along with its partner the  Landesa Center for Women’s Land Rights, contributed to consultations around the post-2015 Millennium Goal agenda.Together, the GI-ESCR and Landesa presented a paper on Women’s Land and Property Rights and th

Brazil : Maracana indigenous community delay World Cup eviction

A Brazilian indigenous community that has been facing eviction from a building next to the Maracana football stadium has celebrated the police's decision to leave the area.

Riot police in Rio de Janeiro had encircled the area early on Saturday expecting a court order to evict them.

The building is meant to be demolished as part of preparations for next year's World Cup.