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News on Land

Get the latest news on land and property rights, brought to you by trusted sources from across the globe.

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Tanzania: Address Land Conflicts Now, Premier Urges

Dar es Salaam — Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa has told regional and district commissioners to address land conflicts in their areas.

The PM issued the directive yesterday in Lindi when he was speaking to the region's authorities on his arrival in Ruangwa.

"Land is a property of the government, but areas which are being used for various activities of development should not be used as a source of conflicts among the people we lead," he said.

Philippines: Duterte to push for land reform, free irrigation for farmers

By: Pia Ranada

Date: February 3rd 2016

Source: Rappler

The presidential bet says land distribution under the Aquino government is a 'farce' because support services are not being given to farmers

MANILA, Philippines – Under the Aquino administration, farmers have endured a “total failure of land reform,” presidential candidate Rodrigo Duterte said on Wednesday, February 3.

Beneath the surface of Uganda's 'exemplary' refugee settlement, tensions simmer

By: Tom Gardner

Date: November 15th 2016

Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation

LAKE NAKIVALE, Uganda (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Nyirahubinka Maria, a Congolese refugee and mother of two, lives in "New Congo", the oldest and largest of 86 small villages scattered over the plains and low rising hills that surround Lake Nakivale in southwest Uganda.

Zimbabwe: Govt to Weed Out Multiple Farm Owners - Minister

By: Nyemudzai Kakore
Date: February 11th 2016
Source: / The Herald

Government has introduced a new data system that will curb multiple farm ownership by not allowing anyone who already has multiple farms under A1 or A2 to be allocated another piece of land.

The new database system is being implemented in conjunction with the Registrar-General's Office and is part of Government strategy to weed out individuals who have multiple farms.

Kenyan widows access to land still a mirage despite favorable laws

Date: 9 December 2016


NAKURU (Xinhua) -- Access to land as a resource for development among widows in Kenya is a distressing issue of discussion despite the laws protecting their rights to land.

The Constitution outlaws violation of an individual’s right to land or property on basis of gender while Matrimonial Property Act clearly stretches out justice to a woman denied access and enjoyment of the respective assets.