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News on Land

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Asamblea Nacional aprueba la Ley de Tierras

La Asamblea Nacional se allanó a 16 de las 18 objeciones presentadas por el Ejecutivo a la Ley de Tierras Rurales y Territorios Ancestrales, aprobada en enero. Esta ahora podrá entrar al Registro Oficial para ser promulgada.

La norma busca garantizar la redistribución de la tierra productiva para los campesinos sin tierra, con poca tierra o que tienen de mala calidad. Para ello, se crea el Fondo Nacional de Tierras y se establece créditos e incentivos para la producción.

Kenya: Policy to Regulate Land Use Being Developed, Kaimenyi Says

By: Ouma Wanzala

Date: March 18th 2016

Source: / Daily Nation

The government is in the process of developing a national land use policy to regulate the planning and use of land for sustainable development, Land Cabinet Secretary Jacob Kaimenyi has said.

Prof Kaimenyi observed that sound land governance is fundamental in achieving sustainable development and poverty reduction.

International Land Coalition Facility Supports Innovative and High Impact Interventions

The International Land Coalition announces a new initiative called the Facility in Support of Innovative and High Impact Targeted Interventions on the ground (FTI). This facility builds on the experience gained through a previous programme, ILCs Community Empowerment Facility (CEF), ‘which supported 52 small projects led by civil society organizations to apply innovative approaches that help the rural poor gain access to and control over land and other natural resources (for a total amount of USD3.5 million during the 1999-2009 period.

Salupongan International: Fighting for the rights of indigenous people

By: Malou Liwanag-Bledsoe

Date: April 21st 2016

Source: Asian Journal

ALTHOUGH the conflict between the Philippine government and the communist rebels in Mindanao has been a long problem that has affected thousands of indigenous people in the area, not many are aware that another issue that is facing them is the violation of their human rights, specifically the displacement and environmental degradation that is facing their ancestral land.