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Land Portal Events
Displaying 13 - 24 of 239

Where Technology Meets Land Rights: Utilizing Technologies to Support Land Governance

07 November 2023 - 11 November 2023

This webinar discussed the implications of technologies for land rights, including the potential benefits and drawbacks. The webinar considered whether technology and data sharing a viable and practical  Indigenous communities to defend their land rights.

Land Portal Foundation
The Tenure Facility
Thomson Reuters Foundation
Ford Foundation

Tenure security for all: the case for local and global action to advance implementation of the VGGT

26 October 2023
FAO Headquarters
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla

This event will bring together a wide range of CFS actors to present the case for more coordinated global action to advance tenure security. It will present proposals for a multistakeholder global campaign and draft Framework for Action. It will show how a focus on human rights compliance in land governance through systematic monitoring and policy dialogue can promote VGGT implementation and increase accountability.

Danish Institute for Human Rights
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
International Land Coalition
Land Portal Foundation
Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
TMG-ThinkTank for Sustainability
Forum of Struggles for Land and Natural Resources

Responsible Scaling of Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration: Balancing Tech & Governance Challenges

27 September 2023

Join us for a thought-provoking webinar that explores the challenges and future directions to scale Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration (FFPLA) based on on-the-ground experiences. FFPLA approaches are broadly recognized and applauded for being more affordable, faster and flexible (in terms of spatial identification) than conventional land administration methods.  

Land Portal Foundation
Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency
Kadaster International

Carbon markets and Indigenous lands: The importance of free, prior and informed consent

13 September 2023

While  talk of carbon markets has been prominent of late, offsetting using forest carbon has long been controversial. Carbon markets are trading systems through which countries, businesses, individuals or other entities buy or sell units of greenhouse gas emissions. A newly launched report by the Rainforest Foundation UK, looks at both sides of the coin. 

Ford Foundation
Thomson Reuters Foundation
Land Portal Foundation
The Tenure Facility

The State of Land Data: Transforming Africa Into a Powerhouse of the Future

21 June 2023

This webinar aimed to build the capacity of researchers and practitioners across Africa to better understand sustainable approaches to land data governance. The webinar highlighted the importance of good land data governance for improving property rights and enabling more efficient government services.

Land Portal Foundation
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
The Network of Excellence on Land Governance in Africa

Mainstreaming land rights of the rural poor in the climate discourse: Side event

05 June 2023

The aim of this event is increasing public understanding of the links between climate change, disasters, and land tenure rights, and bringing land tenure issues in the climate change discourse, listening particularly to the voices of civil society and youth. The discussion is also expected to bring forth some ideas for action both for the new GFAR Collective Action on land tenure and climate change, and for policy makers.    

The Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation
Asian NGO Coalition (ANGOC)
Land Portal Foundation
Young Professionals for Agricultural Development

Indigenous Land Rights and the Biodiversity COP15: Six Months On

24 May 2023

After two weeks of tense talks, the recent UN Biodiversity Conference COP15 ended with a landmark agreement to guide global action on nature through to 2030. The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), includes concrete measures to halt and reverse nature loss, including putting 30% of the planet and 30% of degraded ecosystems under protection by 2030. 

Land Portal Foundation
Ford Foundation
Thomson Reuters Foundation
The Tenure Facility

Regional webinars on integrating land tenure into restoration initiatives

14 May 2023 - 16 May 2023

These webinars aim to raise awareness on the value of tenure security and its contribution to biodiversity conservation, sustainable land management, ecosystem restoration, and climate change mitigation and adaptation while improving food security and local livelihoods.

United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
Global Land Tool Network
Land Portal Foundation
International Land Coalition
TMG-ThinkTank for Sustainability
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Landesa - Rural Development Institute

Introducing the State of Land Information Index

03 May 2023

This side event will serve to introduce the Land Portal’s State of Land Information Index (SOLIndex), which measures openness of land data at the country and global level. The aim of this index is to make land-related findings more actionable and to complement existing land governance monitoring systems, such as tools developed by GLTN. The SOLIndex provides an overall indicator that assesses the openness of land data and information at global and country levels. The SOLIndex can be used as a diagnostic and advocacy tool for making land data more open and inclusive in support of good land governance.

This side event will explore the range of indicators that constitute the index, explore strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the collection of these indicators in an effort to obtain and incorporate feedback from GLTN Partners into the process of validating the indicator.

Land Portal Foundation

Through the Land Data Lens – What are we seeing/Not seeing?

02 May 2023

The objectives of this session are to highlight national, regional and global progress and accomplishments in outcome 3 of phase 3 of the GLTN program, to gather feedback from GLTN partners and receive proposals on the monitoring focus in phase 4, and to identify potential collaborative opportunities with GLTN partners to upscale monitoring of the land agenda.

Land Portal Foundation
Global Land Tool Network
Asian NGO Coalition (ANGOC)
United Nations Human Settlements Programme

Taking Data Back: Women’s Sovereignty over Land Data

29 March 2023

The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day is “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality”.  The day aims to celebrate women and girls who are championing the advancement of transformative technology and digital education. It  will also explore the impact of the digital gender gap on widening economic and social inequalities. 

Land Portal Foundation
Ford Foundation
Thomson Reuters Foundation
The Tenure Facility

The Maledu Judgment: The power of tenure rights recognition

21 March 2023

This webinar discussed the implications of the Maledu judgment, the importance of recognizing and protecting informal land rights, the power of access to information and the positive outcomes tenure security can have for mining-affected communities. It will look at the impacts of the judgment for the community and explore how the community members have engaged with the mining company. 

Land Portal Foundation
Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment
International Institute for Environment and Development