BRIDGE is a research and information programme located within IDS Knowledge Services. We are part of a global movement whose vision is a world where gender equality, dignity and social justice prevail, where poverty is eliminated and where human rights – including women’s rights - are realised. We believe that we play an important role in realising this vision by generating and sharing diverse, accessible gender information, and by stimulating collaborative, groundbreaking thinking on key issues related to gender and development. We also support the exchange of experience and ideas of how to put this thinking into practice in ways that will make a difference.
Our approach BRIDGE acts as a catalyst by facilitating the generation and exchange of relevant, accessible and diverse gender information in print, online and through other innovative forms of communication. This supports the needs of policymakers, practitioners, advocates and researchers in bridging the gaps between gender theory, policy and practice to make gender equality happen. BRIDGE targets both gender and non-gender specialists in an effort to ensure gender is central to all development thinking and practice, and to inspire transformation in attitudes, policies and legislation.
We do this by: Producing BRIDGE resources such as Cutting Edge Packs and In Briefs on relevant, timely gender and development issues through collaborative processes Taking a nuanced approach that focuses on transforming gender relations, and challenging gender stereotypes rather than only being about women and development Facilitating information sharing, partnerships and networking, and reflecting perspectives from non English-speaking contributors Setting and influencing gender and development agendas by creating platforms for discussion, debate and new ideas Supporting the specific information needs of development practitioners and policy-makers with a gender mainstreaming remit.
Displaying 66 - 70 of 78World Survey on the Role of Women in Development: Globalisation, Gender and Work
This global survey examines the impact of current trends and policies on the overall social and economic situation of women. It starts by describing the main economic trends produced by globalisation: trade liberalisation; increased globalised production due to direct investment of multinational corporations; and financial liberalisation. The gender impact of those trends are then analysed in detail beginning with employment and displacement effects, including their influence on women's position within the household and the labour markets around the world.
Rural Livelihoods: Contacts
Details of numerous Sustainable Rural Livelihoods websites.
Towards Gender Equality in Tanzania: A Profile on Gender Relations
How are men's social identities constructed in Tanzania? How can available qualitative and quantitative data be used in such a way as to reveal the nuances of interaction between women and men there? These and other questions are addressed in this gender country profile, which resulted from a participatory methods workshop on gender and development issues in Tanzania. While focusing on gender relations, the profile also highlights women's situation per se.
Toolkit on gender in agriculture
Why is it important to incorporate gender into the agriculture-related work of the World Bank and borrower countries, and how can this be achieved' Women are integral to farming systems, yet their productivity remains low compared to their potential. Gender-neutral programming which does not take into account the differences in the needs and constraints of men and women farmers can bypass and even be detrimental to women.
Guidelines for Integrating Gender Analysis into Biodiversity Research
How can gender be mainstreamed into programmes concerned with the sustainable use and management of biodiversity? The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) has produced guidelines on how to integrate gender analysis into biodiversity research. The central role played by women in the maintenance of rural lands, and changing gender roles and relations resulting from cost of living rises and increased migration, are highlighted.