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Displaying 236 - 240 of 259Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders (Queensland Reserves and Communities Self management) Act 1978.
This Act empowers the Minister to, upon request of the Council for an Aboriginal Reserve, declare the reserve to be an Islander Reserve to which this Act applies (sect. 5). Section 6 provides for the Declaration of Aboriginal Councils or Island Councils for the purposes of this Act. The Council for an Aboriginal Reserve to which this Act applies, or for an Islander Reserve to which this Act applies, shall manage and control the affairs of the Aboriginal community or the Islander community, as the case may be, residing on the Reserve (sect. 7).
Native Title (National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Fund) Regulations.
"Fund" means the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Fund established by subsection 201 (1) of the Native Title Act 1993. The fund is a Trust Account for the purposes of section 62A of the Audit Act 1901. Money that is: (a) appropriated by an Act for the purchase and management of land for Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders for social, cultural or economic purposes; and (b) expressed by that Act to be for payment to the relevant trust account; is to be paid into the fund.
Implements: Native Title Act 1993. (2017-06-22)
Native Title (Federal Court) Regulations 1998.
These Regulations contain forms for the application under paragraph 61(5)(a) of the Native Title Act, 1993: native title determination application - claimant application (form 1); native title determination application - non-claimant application (2); revised native title determination application (3); compensation application. Section 61 concerns applications to the Federal Court for native title and compensation.
Crown Lands Regulations.
These Regulations implement the Crown Lands Act by further making provision for leases of crown lands and licences for activities to be carried on such lands. Provisions of Part 2 define which lands are available for leases, regulate commencement, execution, and surrender of leases and payment for improvements on land. Various provisions of Part 3 are concerned with licences for grazing of livestock, occupation licences and licences for miscellaneous nature. "Occupation licence" means a licence under section 90 of the Act.
Crown Lands Act.
This Act, consisting of 108 sections divided into nine Parts and completed by one Schedule, makes provision for the tenure, management, and alienation of crown lands. "Crown lands" means all lands of the Territory, including the bed of the sea within the territorial limits of the Northern Territory, and including an estate in fee simple that is registered in the name of the Territory, but does not include reserved or dedicated lands. The main body of the Act (Part 3) contains provisions relative to leases, easements, and servitude.