To reduce hunger and poverty, and improve human nutrition in the tropics through research aimed at increasing the eco-efficiency of agriculture.
CIAT’s staff includes about 200 scientists. Supported by a wide array of donors, the Center collaborates with hundreds of partners to conduct high-quality research and translate the results into development impact. A Board of Trustees provides oversight of CIAT’s research and financial management.
- Shared organizational ethic
- We respect each other, our partners, and the people who benefit from our work. We act with honesty, integrity, transparency, and environmental responsibility in all of our joint endeavors.
- Learning through partnerships
- We work efficiently and pragmatically together and with partners. Considering our diversity to be a key asset, we adapt readily to change and strive to improve our performance through continuous learning.
- Innovation for impact
- We develop innovative solutions to important challenges in tropical agriculture, resulting in major benefits for the people who support, participate in, and profit from our work.
Displaying 911 - 915 of 958Primer Curso Intensivo de Adiestramiento en Producción de Arroz de Secano en Panamá (1979, Cali, Colombia). Informe final
Potential evapotranspiration and precipitation deficits for Tropical America
Metodos analiticos para suelos acidos y plantas
La cuantificacion analitica de suelos y tejidos vegetales es un instrumento efectivo para interpretar la existencia de deficiencias o excesos de minerales. El uso adecuado de esta informacion influye significativamente en las recomendaciones de fertilizantes. Sin embargo, debe admitirse que existe conflicto en las fases de cuantificacion, interpretacion y recomendacion debido a la alta variabilidad existente en estas fases.
La producción porcina en Ecuador : anexo III
Enfermedades del fríjol causadas por virus y su control [conjunto audiotutorial]
This audiotutorial unit (cassette, printed script, 124 color slides, study guide, self-evaluation test), prepared by the Communications Support Unit at CIAT, is available for use with a manually or automatically synchronized slide projector/cassette tape recorder. Each unit is available from the Distribution Office at a cost of US$$50; photocopies of the study guide alone can be obtained from the Bean Information Center.