DLG-Verlag was founded in 1952 as a subsidiary of DLG e.V. (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft - German Agricultural Society) with its headquarter in Frankfurt/ Germany. The publishing company provides expertise for the agricultural and food sector.
With its subsidiaries Max-Eyth-Verlag and DLG-Agrofood Medien GmbH the DLG-Verlag offers books and magazines, as well as catalogs of the DLG's international DLG exhibitions.
Displaying 291 - 295 of 316Implementing National Action Programmes - the Moroccan example
Morocco is one of the African countries in which implementation of the UNCCD has progressed the furthest. In the Moroccan National Action Programme, integrated rural development, poverty reduction, drought mitigation and conservation of natural resources are the four cornerstones of effective desertification control.The country has succeeded in building up strong partnerships with most of its bilateral and multilateral development partners.
After the tsunami disaster. Rehabilitating fisheries and coastal areas.
The devastating tsunami has shown in a tragic way the great vulnerability and exposed nature of coastal communities to natural calamities. It also has drawn global attention to the poor living conditions of fishing communities and the many threats to the sustainable use of fishery resources and coastal ecosystems. Post-tsunami rehabilitation offers the opportunity to build back better, improve and make more secure the lives of disadvantaged sections of the population and set fisheries and coastal resource use on a sustainable footing.
A view from the North. Rural areas in 2016: Vibrant or vacant?
Two images have dominated the northern media in recent months.The first is of desolation in remote, rural areas in Africa affected by drought, conflict or famine, such as in Somalia, northern Kenya or Darfur, Sudan. The second is a different kind of desolation - that of urban squalor as portrayed in the film «The Constant Gardener». Nairobi's Kibera, which provides a backdrop for the film, is a bustling shantytown with a population of ca.
The complex negotiations on the human right to food: «The birth of a zebra»
Negotiations to establish a set of Voluntary Guidelines on the human right to food, held under the auspices of FAO, were successfully completed in autumn 2004, with all 174 FAO member countries signing the final document. However, the negotiations proved to be far from straightforward, as many countries were anxious about the legally binding nature of the Guidelines.
The Indian Supreme Court acknowledges the Right to Food as a Human Right
Life without liberty would result in some or the other form of slavery. Liberty cannot be there to a person having an empty stomach.The individual's right to life will have no meaning if the State fails to provide adequate food or food articles.The Indian Constitution provides «right to life» as a Fundamental
Right.That right is given a wide interpretation by the Supreme Court so as to include «right to food» so that democracy and full freedom can be achieved and slavery in any form is avoided.