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Non Governmental organization
Phone number


Joseph Haydnlaan 2a
Postal address
PO Box 8190
3503 RD Utrecht
The Netherlands
Working languages

ICCO is an independent non-governmental organization with business features. Our aim is to secure the livelihoods and rights of farmers and small businesses in low and middle-income countries.

Despite the fall in the number of people living in extreme poverty in the past decades, poverty remains pervasive and inequalities continue to increase. Millions of people are unable to realize their full potential.

We envision a world where people are empowered to build sustainable livelihoods within a society that upholds their rights. Our mission is to strengthen sustainable agricultural systems and realize resilient communities, with a special focus on women and youth.



Displaying 6 - 6 of 6

LAND-at-scale Colombia- Land formalization through a Fit for Purpose approach in Indigenous and Afro-Colombian


In Colombia’s post-conflict context, access to land and tenure security are still a cause of many conflicts and inequalities. Especially Indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities are amongst the most vulnerable groups in Colombia. Their land tenure insecurity has a negative effect on the possibilities for livelihood improvements, and on the protection of natural resources within their territories. Project objective The project aims to contribute to filling the Multipurpose cadastre with information about land titles and natural resources of indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities, which is obtained in a fair, efficient and effective manner, and to create security for the communities to invest in sustainable income generating activities in those areas. Combining improved tenure security with income generating activities and protecting natural resources results in an integrated approach, tackling multiple issues at the same time. Project strategies - Improved tenure security through mapping 3 different communities using the Fit for Purpose method - Mapping possible income generating activities together with the communities and looking for external financing - Mapping natural resources together with the communities: how to protect or use them sustainably       - Share this integrated approach with government, donors, financial institutions throughout the project in order to guarantee upscaling and to improve the Multi-purpose Cadastre