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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 666 - 670 of 2117

Strengthening livelihoods civil society and community-based natural resource management of indigenous communit


Chepangs and Tamangs live in the hills and mountains of central Nepal facing many types of hazard that affect both lives and livelihood.They are regarded as the most marginalized and resource poor groups in Nepal.Their tiny land holdings provide no more th an 3 to 6 months of food security.The forest and overall landscape is degrading because of the human pressure in forest land.The already formed Community Forest User Groups are not functioning well because of their limited capacity.Due to lack of knowledge of efficient and sustainable agricultural practices and land-tenure rights the communities practicing the traditional slash and burn cultivation have reduced the cultivation cycle from 3-5 years to one year.This had led to serious soil erosion problems th at cause regular landslides that destroy agricultural fields and threaten the lives of people and animals.The main objective of this project is to uplift the livelihoods and food security of the Chepang and Tamang communities through agro-forestry developm ent and improved community-based natural resource management.This is achieved by developing sound biodiversity management and sustainable livelihood activities in order to maintain rebuild and revitalize socio-ecological production landscape.Capacity build ing of CFUGs will be done to strenghten their operational capacity and women's self-help groups will be formed to promote women's empowerment and livelihood.The project will build capacities of local civil society organizations and duty-brearers and promot e positive interaction between local government and Chepang and Tamang communities.The project implemented by NAFAN and supported by the Swallows supports Finland's development objectives by increasing food security and promoting sustainable use of natural resources local democracy and participation of women in decision making. The project will strengthen local organization's capacity in community capacity building and establishing linkages between communities and local government. The project is expected t o benefit directly around 2200 right-holders and 100 duty-bearers. In addition to this approx. 3000 people are expected to benefit indirectly.

GEF-7; Global Environment Facility (GEF) 7th Replenishment


The Global Environment Facility was established in October 1991 as a pilot program in the World Bank to assist in the protection of the global environment. In 1994 at the Rio Earth Summit the GEF was restructured and moved out of the World Bank system to b ecome a permanent separate institution. As part of the restructuring the GEF was entrusted to become the financial mechanism for both the UN Convention on Biological Diversity and the UN Framework Conventionon Climate Change. The GEF subsequently was also selected to serve as financial mechanism for three more international conventions: The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (2001) the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (2003) and the Minamata Convention on Mercury (2013) .The GEF strives to achieve global environmental benefits by supporting developing countries in their efforts. After various changes agreed upon during last two replenishment negotiations the work is focused around five thematic focal areas: biodiversity; climate change mitigation; chemicals and waste; international waters; and land degradation. Furthermore an integrated approach pilot was established during the sixth replenishment negotiations to support activities in recipient countries that can help them meet commitments to more than one global convention or thematic area by tackling underlying drivers of environmental degradation. This synergetic approach will continue in GEF-7 through Impact Programs focused on food systems forests and cities.The GEF is a network organization. It is composed of independent secretariat and evaluation office the World Bank acts as a trustee channelling project support to implementing entities such as to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). Finland has supported t he GEF from the very beginning. The support to the seventh replenishment of the GEF (1.7.2018-30.6.2022) is about 31 million euros. This budget decision covers the remaining part of the total contribution 497 million euros.

Supporting smallholder families with land rights issues and sustainable land use in Brazil


Unterstützung von kleinbäuerlichen Familien bei Landrechtsfragen und nachhaltige Landnutzung in Brasilien


Die Territorien der Landbevölkerung sind bis heute größtenteils rechtlich nicht abgesichert. Megaprojekte in den Bereichen Bergbau, Energiegewinnung und Agrartreibstoffproduktion verschärfen die ökologischen und sozialen Herausforderungen in der Region. Landkonflikte werden oftmals gewalttätig ausgetragen, es kommt zu Landvertreibung und weiteren Menschenrechtsverletzungen. Das Projekt setzt sich durch Ausbildungs-, Informations-, Austauschaktivitäten für die Rechte der Landbevölkerung, insbesondere für die Landrechte, ein sowie für eine nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung von Land.

Responsible and Innovative Land Administration Project in Etiopia second phase (REILA II)


The project is the second phase of REILA (Responsible and Innovative Land Administration) that supports the development of land administration in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is one of the least developed countries (LDCs) according to the OECD's classification. All the land in Ethiopia is owned by the government but the farmers have traditional extensive user rights to their lands. Official registration of such lands increases further the tenure security. Increased land tenure security encourages farmers to use their lands in a sustainable way and to make investments to raise the productivity of the lands. Official registration also reduces conflicts over land.The project started in August in 2017 in alignment with the Ethiopia?s fiscal year.The long term impact of th e project is to achieve improved livelihood and economic well-being of the rural population through promotion of sustainable land management practices. The outcome is to have improved and appropriate land administration system for Ethiopia and improved lan d tenure security for rural land users. Ministry of Agriculture manages the implementation of the project in Ethiopia. Finland's support to the intervention is 7.1 MEUR with a total budget of 781 MEUR. The one year extension is proposed with the option of 700000 eur additional funding for the technical aid. This option has been part of the original invitation to tender and procurement process.

Mauritania - Economic Reforms and Diversification Support Programme - Phase II (PAREDE II)


The proposed operation is the second phase of a programme-based budget support operation to the Islamic Republic of Mauritania. The objective of the first phase (PAREDE I), for the 2016-2017 period, for an amount of UA 6.7 million was to create conditions conducive to the diversification of the economy in order to promote inclusive and sustainable growth. The outcomes of the first phase were deemed very satisfactory. PAREDE II, which is a continuation of PAREDE I, has two complementary components as follows: (i) Support for the Improvement of Public Expenditure Effectiveness; and (ii) Support for the Promotion of the Non-extractive Industries Production System. The reforms identified under PAREDE II will contribute to attaining this objective by diversifying the Mauritanian economy and reducing its dependence on natural resources. To attain this objective, this programme lays emphasis on reforms aimed at supporting the economic diversification process which will have a very significant impact on gender. The programme has already adopted an important measure to increase the number of land titles issued to women from 52 in 2016 to 80 in 2018. This measure is a continuation of that of PAREDE I, which helped to increase the number of agricultural land titles issued to women from 20 in 2015 to 52 in 2016.


The programme’s main objective is to create enabling conditions for diversifying the Mauritanian economy to promote inclusive and sustainable growth. The specific objectives are to: (i) improve public expenditure effectiveness; and (ii) promote the non-extractive industries production system.

Target Groups

The programme’s direct beneficiaries are the State of Mauritania, through the MEF, the Ministry of Agriculture, and the Ministry of Livestock. The indirect beneficiaries are Mauritanian citizens, who will be impacted by the stabilization of the country’s macroeconomic situation, and increased economic growth, excluding extractive industries, through the creation of sustainable jobs in growth sectors and income generation. Private entrepreneurs, professional organizations, farmers and stock breeders, especially women and young people, are also PAREDE II indirect beneficiaries, in the sense that the reform of the production system, especially in terms of PPPs and land law, will facilitate their integration into the economy, and thus contribute to creating wealth for the country.