About Us
We envision a world in which land governance systems, both formal and informal, are effective, accessible, and responsive for all. This is possible when land tenure and property rights are recognized as critical development issues and when the United States Government and its development partners demonstrate consistent attention and a firm commitment to supporting coordinated policies and programs that clarify and strengthen the land tenure and property rights of all members of society, enabling broad-based economic growth, gender equality, reduced incidence of conflicts, enhanced food security, improved resilience to climate change, and effective natural resource management.
Mission Statement
The USAID Land Tenure and Resource Management (LTRM) Office will lead the United States Government to realize international efforts—in accordance with the U.S. Government’s Land Governance Policy—to clarify and strengthen the land tenure and property rights of all members of society—individuals, groups and legal entities, including those individuals and groups that are often marginalized, and the LTRM Office will help ensure that land governance systems are effective, accessible, and responsive. We will achieve this by testing innovative models for securing land tenure and property rights and disseminating best practice as it relates to securing land rights and improving resource governance within the USG and our development partners.
Displaying 56 - 60 of 440Three Promising Approaches for Strengthening Land Rights in Africa
By M. Mercedes Stickler, Land Tenure and Evaluation Specialist, USAID.
Last month, I had the opportunity to take part in the inaugural Conference on Land Policy in Africa. This event—organized by the Land Policy Initiative—highlighted the fact that land is one of the most important development issues facing Africa today.
Kenya Justice Project Pilot Ready to be Scaled-Up Nationwide
In Kenya’s Ol Pusimoru community, twenty-two women were elected as community elders in 2013, up from 14 in 2012, and zero three years ago.
Mozambique: support in the development of the legal framework for the LNG projects
This project is to support in the development of the legal framework for the LNG projects
Petroleum law regulations translation
The current Regulation governs Petroleum Operations pursuant to Law n° 21/2014, of 18 August, and establishes the rules for awarding rights to perform the respective activity, with a view to securing that Petroleum Operations , and any infrastructure belonging or held by the right holder or by third parties, used in connection with Petroleum Operations , subject to Mozambican jurisdiction, including foreign flagged mobile infrastructure aimed at performing or assisting, be undertaken in a systematic way and in conditions that allow a coordinated and broad supervision.
Harmonizing Land Tenure in National Protected Areas in Honduras
If you cannot view, click here.Guest commentary by Christopher Seeley, Chief of Party of the USAID Honduras ProParque project.
One of the most vexing challenges in biodiversity conservation in developing countries is reconciling land tenure and land use issues that emerge when previously unprotected or unregulated ecosystems are placed under state control as part of a national protected areas system.