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Land Portal Foundation administrative account
Displaying 3301 - 3310 of 6948Women and Young People in Co-operative Housing (AP-WYCOH)
To promote eco-friendly housing cooperative model and land rights for women and young people in Misungwi and Nyamagana Districts by 2022. expected results; Organizational development, Cooperative housing development promoted in rural and urban areas, Financial Inclusion, Empowerment of women and young people
Participated in the review and amendment of national NGO policy of 2001. supported ESARHJM network members with training on adequate housing. Trained 8 artisans all male of appropriate building technology. Carried out a training on land policy and property rights with support from TAWLA for 47 participants (24 male and 23 female). Trained 50 youth and women on leadership and confidence building to enable them challenge for leadership positions. One housing cooperative formally registered. Number of pro-housing mutual self-help initiatives, where members help each other to construct houses, increased from 10 to 12. Number of women participating in leadership increased from 66 as at August to 74 by end of October.
Recovery and defense of Ayorean territories with focus on guaranteeing the presence of noncontacted people
Verteidigung der Territorien und nachhaltiger Entwicklungsperspektiven von Ayoreo-Indigenen mit Fokus auf nicht-kontaktierten Völkern
Stärkung der Selbstbestimmung über Entwicklungsperspektiven von Ayoreo-Indigenen mit Fokus auf Landrechten und auf dem Schutz von nicht-kontaktierten Völkern
Customary Land Tenure Rights for Women and Marginalized Groups in Mzuzu Diocese
Verbesserung der Landrechte von Frauen und Zugang zu Land für marginalisierte Gruppen in der Diözese Mzuzu in Nordmalawi
Verbesserung der Landrechte von Frauen und Zugang zu Land für marginalisierte Gruppen in der Diözese Mzuzu in Nordmalawi
Scaling-up Resilience to One Million People in the Niger River Basin (SUR1M) (BRACED)
Its main components are: 1. Livelihoods: Climate-smart agriculture, natural resource management, SILC, child nutrition, value chains (cowpeas, poultry, small ruminants, seeds multiplication and distribution in partnership with a local private company in Niger. 2. Governance: DRR, communal and civil society governance, small grants 3. Gender: increased revenues including through SILC groups, participation in decision-making, child protection, access to land, access to time and fuel energy saving technologies.
Target Groups
The project targets 758 755 people in 12 communes of Tillaberi Region, Niger, and 218,143 in 7 communes of Gao Region, Northern Mali.
Securing land rights, promoting agroecological systems and protecting endangered rural communities
Sicherung der Landrechte, Förderung der Agrarökologie und Schutz von bedrohter Landbevölkerung im Bundesstaat Rondônia
Sicherung der Landrechte, Förderung der Agrarökologie und Schutz von bedrohter Landbevölkerung im Bundesstaat Rondônia