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Land Portal Foundation administrative account
Displaying 791 - 800 of 6947Fund for Responsible Business (FVO)
FVO supports collaborations between enterprises and civil society organisations that aim to reduce Responsible Business Conduct risks and misconduct in the value chains of Dutch companies, such as harm to the natural environment through pollution or reduction of biodiversity, human rights violations during land acquisitions, poor working conditions in factories in producer countries, etc. FVO supports Dutch partnerships that:- wish to conduct local or regional research into the underlying causes of RBC risks and misconduct in their value chain or chains and implement measures to address them;- wish to implement RBC into their business processes in a more effective manner, including measures to combat RBC risks and misconduct within their own company;- wish to set up a multi-stakeholder project that addresses RBC risks and misconduct and has a positive impact on manufacturing conditions in their producer countries.
Building adaptive capacity and resilience through improved water management in Cambodia
This programme will strengthen water resource management in 13 communities in Battambang and Siem Reap. Water assessments and community level awareness raising on processes impacting water access and quality within the community will be undertaken and community water management plans will be developed with technical support from water management specialists. The water and sanitation interventions and water management interventions contained within the plans will be prioritised and implemented with the support of the project. Women’s leadership on water governance at community level will be strengthened through ensuring that women leaders are actively participating at every stage of the water resource management planning process. The project will also aim to strengthen local authorities-CSO/NSA engagement on water resource management through ensuring their participation in the water resource management planning process and promoting the integration of community plans into local government development and land use planning.
Reinforcing Community Enrichment for Localized Engagements in Liberia
Stärkung der Landrechte von ländlichen Gemeinden und Lobbyarbeit zu den Folgen kommerzieller Plantagenwirtschaft in Liberia
Ein Großteil der Bevölkerung in Leberia lebt von der Landwirtschaft. Die kleinbäuerlichen Familien bewirtschaften ihren Grund und Boden nach traditionellem Gewohnheitsrecht, d. h. es gibt keine offiziellen Landtitel. Das Projekt fördert die ökologisch verträgliche Bewirtschaftung der Landflächen und Wälder, um die negativen Auswirkungen von Großinvestitionen auf die Lebensgrundlage der örtlichen Bevölkerung zu mindern. Maßnahmen beinhalten Schulungen lokaler Regierungen zum Thema Landrecht.
Arab region programm on good land governance - Phase II
Programm zu guter Land Governance in der arabischen Region zur Unterstützung - Phase II
Verbesserung der Koordination und Zusammenarbeit und Unterstützung von landesweiten Maßnahmen in ausgewählten Ländern durch inklusive Landverwaltungsinstrumente.
Harnessing IDRC-Supported Research on Large-Scale Land Acquisitions and Accountability in Africa
Commercial interest and investments in Africa's agricultural lands have intensified in quantity, speed, and size over the past five years, particularly in the wake of the 2008 food crisis. This project will address concerns over the phenomenon. It aims to enhance leadership skills that will help build more equitable policies and practices for communities around large-scale land investments in Africa. Large-scale land acquisitions Foreign and domestic investors, both public and private, are acquiring control of vast stretches of fertile land for agricultural production in developing countries. While agricultural investments can contribute to economic development and reduce poverty, many investments have failed to live up to expectations and are not generating sustainable benefits. In many instances, these land deals are leaving local people worse off than they would have been without the investment. Pressures on agricultural land are expected to continue to meet the needs of growing populations. There is also the issue of diminishing supplies of fertile land caused by pressures on water sources, encroaching urbanization, and changing weather patterns related to climate change. Investments to date have served to highlight existing weaknesses in the management and governance of agricultural lands and on local communities' ability to secure land rights. More accountable, equitable investments This project will advance IDRC's work on this issue in sub-Saharan Africa to make land investment processes more accountable and equitable, and to prevent displacement and conflict. It will build on five action research projects covering 10 countries. Project teams will work with communities to increase their power to negotiate equitable terms and protect their rights and interests. It will fund the following activities: -Land Research Summit in Dakar, Senegal, to share initial research results and lessons learned, as well as foster policy discussions -Blogs and op-eds to raise awareness about research findings -Conference participation to share the research and findings
Southeast Asian Uplands Agriculture Fellowships
Efforts to strengthen knowledge and research skills in agriculture and food security in the uplands of Southeast Asia are essential to developing a strong network of professionals who can address some of the region's most critical development challenges. This funding will provide two-year fellowships to 30 students from Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam to allow them to pursue master's degrees in science at leading universities in the region. The objective is to establish a critical mass of high quality professionals and researchers who can lead and develop sustainable agriculture programs in the uplands. They will also support initiatives in smallholder agriculture management in upland communities which are generally vulnerable to food insecurity. The Graduate Scholarship Department of the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) will lead the initiative. Master's programs will include courses in fields such as land use planning, sustainable agriculture, human nutrition, environmental science, agroforestry, livestock production, animal husbandry, and watershed management. Students will gain first-hand experience in the uplands through site visits. They will also network and share information with faculty. The project will include three annual roving fellowship meetings and workshops for students in three locations. The fieldwork, research, workshops, and publications produced as part of this project will help facilitate innovative thinking and approaches to food security and upland development. Today's students are expected to become tomorrow's research and policy leaders in their respective countries.
Biodiversity Mainstreaming into Sectoral Policies and Practices and Strengthened Protection of Biodiversity Ho
To ensure strengthened capacities for protection of the internationally recognized biodiversity hot-spots of Montenegro and mainstream biodiversity conservation and sustainable use objectives into the land use planning framework and sectoral practices around the KBAs.
Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.
Target Groups
Project socio-economic benefits are associated with the following individual elements of the project intervention strategy: - Improved management of the PA estate holding a unique recreational value for the local population and visitors. Diversification and improved quality of tourist offer within the PAs - Enhanced financial sustainability of protected areas, innovative business planning and other finance tools providing for more sustainable PA finance; - Support to small businesses in tourism, forestry and agriculture; - Support to and incentives for private forest owners; - Promotion of biodiversity-positive entrepreneurship in forestry; - Support to green farming. Project beneficiaries are listed in the Prodoc in Section 3.2 on Partnerships, Stakeholder Engagement, and Coordination, and in Annex 12 of the Prodoc, the Comprehensive Stakeholder Engagement and Communication Plan. The project is expected to have a minimum of 50,000 direct beneficiaries, and provide gender-disaggregated reporting as stated in the Section IV of the Project Document “Project Results Framework”.
Not Applicable
Indonesia II - Legal and Regulatory - Non-allocated Funds activity: Due Diligence funding is used to obtain sufficient information to evaluate, assess and appraise projects during program development, effectively oversee and monitor program implementation, conduct quality assurance, and then evaluate the results of the project once complete. In this particular project, due diligence funds were used to hire external technical assistance to support MCC's assessment and oversight of the MCA's land administration project to ensure country-led designs and subsequent implementation were consistent with MCC guidance.
Legal and Regulatory
Indonesia II - Legal and Regulatory project: Due Diligence funding is used to obtain sufficient information to evaluate, assess and appraise projects during program development, effectively oversee and monitor program implementation, conduct quality assurance, and then evaluate the results of the project once complete. In this particular project, due diligence funds were used to hire external technical assistance to support MCC's assessment and oversight of the MCA's land administration project to ensure country-led designs and subsequent implementation were consistent with MCC guidance.
Not Applicable
Ghana II - Legal and Regulatory - Non-allocated Funds activity: Due Diligence funding is used to obtain sufficient information to evaluate, assess and appraise projects during program development, effectively oversee and monitor program implementation, conduct quality assurance, and then evaluate the results of the project once complete. In this particular project, due diligence funds were used to hire external technical assistance to support MCC's assessment and oversight of the MCA's land administration project to ensure country-led designs and subsequent implementation were consistent with MCC guidance.