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Land Portal Foundation administrative account
Displaying 761 - 770 of 6947Country Office 506708 Oxfam Novib Uganda
OIE Unrestricted commitment to Uganda OCS in the period from 1 April 2015 to 31st March 2016 in the areas of women land rights, Humanitarian, digital communications initiatives, value chain development,
Extractive Industry Governance Cambodia
Highlanders Association (HA) aims to empower indigenous communities in Rattanakiri by enhancing understanding and awareness on the indigenous people rights, skills and tools that enable them to challenge decisions and management of Economic Land Concession and mining companies for the respect of Free, Prior, Informed, Consent (FPIC) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The key activities include: 1/ Train and facilitate IP mining focal points the application of community scorecard on FPIC to generate the understanding of community perception of FPIC application by Angkor Gold. 2/ Produce IEC materials on the promotion of IP communities rights to FPIC 3/ Organize exposure visit to other countries that experience in community organizing and mining advocacy 4/ Organize dialogues, meetings and workshop to raise awareness on IP rights to FPIC 5/ Build and document evidences on failure of company performance on FPIC 6/ Organize and update company information to inform IP communities 7/ Facilitate IP Community representatives to offer community feedbacks on community perceptions on FPIC to Angkor Gold 8/ Support IP related events such as IP day, International Human Rights Day....etc.
EC VN Budget Transparency
Specific objective: #Empowered CSOs, CBOs and communities in Hoa Binh and Quang Tri provinces are able to effectively influence thepublic budget process of poverty reduction and development programmes (including on health issues) with wider national impacts on relevant laws and decrees#. 4 results: R1- Poor people, ethnic minorities and women at local level have increased awareness of the budget process and are able to exert influence on this process of poverty reduction and development programmes (including on health issues) R2- The budget transparency coalition is expanded to include multiple stakeholders and strengthened to promote and advocate for budget transparency, accountability and participation at local and national levels, including in relevant laws and decrees at national level R3- Targeted People#s Councils from commune to provincial levels are more effective in the oversight of the budget process, promoting budget transparency, accountability and people#s participation R4- Targeted People#s Committees from commune to provincial levels open spaces for civil society#s meaningful engagement in public budget formulation and budget monitoring of poverty reduction and development programmes (including on health issues) ACDC has experience working for the rights of marginalised groups (including the rural poor, ethnic minorities and people with disabilities), and has specifically focused on influencing policies, and conducting participatory research and community consultations (responsible for developing provincial level consultations for the draft revised Budget Law in 2014 and Land Law in 2013). As an organisation well established in Hoa Binh Province, and with deep understanding of issues facing marginalised communities, ACDC will be responsible for the coordination of activities in Hoa Binh. As a member of the coalition, ACDC also coordinates national level work, providing legal expertise for policy advocacy and inclusive budgets.
LRN Campaign - AIPP
The Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact is one of the founders of the Land Rights Now campaign ( and has actively participated in the campaign since its inception. Through this project AIPP aims at supporting mobilizations in Thailand and Cambodia through its members, and document actions so that they can feed the wider global campaign and mobilize solidarity around the issue of Indigenous rights to ancestral territories and food, in line with the narrative and asks of the Land Rights Now global mobilization on Indigenous and community land rights and food. The objectives are the following: raise awareness on the link between indigenousland rights and food sovereignty; support national influencing strategies to secure Indigenous land rights. Food sovereignty for indigenous peoples is viewed as having access to land and local food without having to purchase them and where traditional knowledge of farming or wild harvesting are maintained and practiced without fear of reprisals. Furthermore, access to land play an important role in fighting hunger and malnutrition and preventing non-communicable diseases amongst indigenous communities. Often indigenous foods are undervalued and classified as ''food of the poor'' of ''of the past.# Food systems and the nutrition situation of indigenous people are often under pressure due to inaccessibility to their lands and to practice their traditional livelihood and general discrimination to indigenous culture. With this, the proposed project activities for this event are to provide an opportunity to highlight the relation of protection and promotion of indigenous peoples land rights and securing food sovereignty, which is further related to their health and livelihood situation.
FPP - Land Rights Now
Amplifying the Global Call to Action on Community and Indigenous Land Rights # These activities lead by Forest Peoples Program (FPP) and their partners in three countries contribute to amplifying the Global Call to Action on Indigenous and Community land rights by supporting local efforts to secure their lands, gaining support for them and creating momentum linking local and global to help them achieve their aims while also engaging governments, national human rights institutions and supporting local efforts at land and resource governance and management. FPP will offer communications support to allied organizations, and use social media and website to showcase the strongest outputs from these activities through and other media.
Empowerment and raising voice of ethnic
In June 2014, a three-day conference to discuss sustainable development in the remote Northern mountainous regions of Vietnam was organized by the World Bank and Thai Nguyen University. The conference, Sustainable Development and Ethnic Minority Poverty Reductionin Mountainous Regions , aimed to discuss opportunities for sustainable poverty reduction in the region drawing from lessons of successful experiences in Vietnam and elsewhere. Participants include government officials at both central and provincial levels, researchers, business people, development partners and practitioners including from other countries. The EMWG thematic discussion paper provided deep analysis of critical issues in achieving sustainable development of ethnic minorities in Vietnam. Six important topics were concisely presented as listed below: - A lack of representation and participation of ethnic minority in policy formation - A fragmented policy framework and lack of coordination - Discrimination and Stigma - Education - Livelihoods - Land rights. The sharing welcomed more than 30 participants from development organizations and research institutions. Representatives of Caritas Switzerland and Helvetas presented about their projects in Ha Giang, Cao Bang and Hoa Binh provinces. They shared their good practices in promoting local participation in socio-economic development activities in their communities. The integration of local people into agricultural activities and public administrative management would ensure a sustainable development in ethnic minority areas.
TFSN Land Governance in Cambodia
The SDC identified four key criteria for the successful project include proposed project team, proposed intervention strategy, procedure and organization, and financial proposal. SDC compared ONL score to the winning bid and the average value. Most of the scores were lower than the average, except the financial proposal (4.3 compared to average 3.4). Specific lessons learnt: 1. The required CVs for the proposed project team were not given adequate attention till the last moment. 2. The intervention strategy was a little bit broad as it is regional project. 3. SDC should have been included as an actor on land governance in the project rather than donoronly.
Oxfam Australia (Sri Lanka)
We supported the creation and the development of communication and media material (i.e. stories, video, photos#) for a global campaign spike on indigenous and community land rights, to raise #global awareness# on the subject. This action contributed to the Land Rights Now campaign, which is a worldwide initiative of more than 600 organizations and communities that aim at doubling the area ofland formally recognized as owned or controlled by Indigenous Peoples and local communities. Oxfam plays a major role in shaping and driving the campaign. The Land Rights Now campaign is a bottom-up campaign and is primary objective is to support ongoing nationalcampaigns in the area of Indigenous and community land rights. The secondary objective is to promote global awareness on this issue, so as to enable changes at national level. In 2016, Oxfam will focus on 4-6 countries to highlight either i) specific cases of land grabbing or injustice around indigenous and community land rights or ii) symbolic cases #including positive stories # that can describe a larger systemic situation, that needs to be addressed. In this context we issued an internal call for expression of interest to submit cases that may support #global# awareness raising. A case submitted byOxfam in Sri Lanka has been identified as a suitable case, according to pre-established criteria. This grant supports the development of material for public campaigning in Peru on this case.
National Peasant Coalition of Pakistan
Extension of National Peasant Coalition of Pakistan (NPCP - III) Background: National Peasants Coalition of Pakistan (NPCP) is an initiative of SCOPE, transformed into an Oxfam-Novib supported project during 2011. It is aiming at forming a national level coalition of peasants# and small farmers' organizations that are demanding for the fair land and agrarian reforms in the country. In the endof December 2011, a formal set up of NPCP was set up with a formalized governance structure, secretariat, advisory board and a 3 years strategic plan to revitalize land and agrarian reforms struggle from this national platform. Oxfam Novib (ONL) supported first phase of NPCP-PKS project, through a grant number PAK -506281-0008127, covering period of Jan-Dec. 2011,to push the agenda of agrarian reforms in the country through organizing peasants organizations in an alliance. And at the end of first phase; the second phase was approved from July 12 to Aug 13, under project number A-02421-02-506281. This continuationphase was dedicated to capacity building of NPCP members, media mobilization on land reforms, district level organization and advocacy for land reforms with political parties, media and other stakeholders, information dissemination and organizing regional experience sharing workshop in which regional grassroots land right activists, parliamentarians, media and other stakeholders participated. The project period was filled with intense activities and was able to gain a momentum among land right advocacy in Pakistan. Aims <(>&<)> Objectives: This year under the NPCP project Oxfam Novib <(>&<)> Scope aims to (i) commission research and analysis regarding land and agrarian reforms, to right tofood, linkages between climate variation and impact on small farmers and their food security (ii) pave way for Government institutionalized process for land and agrarian reforms, (iii) link the NPCP with other similar movements within national and regional level, (iv) engage state and government authorities for agrarian and land reforms, also including campaigning and supporting for improvements in tenancy acts at provincial levels, and (v) struggle towards distribution/ redistribution of feudal held land by the state among the landless peasants (vi) Consolidate and raise voices for Right to Food Major outcomes of NPCP for this year would be: - Institutional development and strengthening of NPCP and shaping it as greater national alliance of stakeholders organizations around NPCP, who are solely or partially involved on land rights issues, and - Work to initiate national / provincial level processes to formformal national/ provincial policy in favor of land reforms / land use / land governance
ADHOC Core Programme 2015-2017
2015 is the first year of ADHOC#s new Strategic Plan 2015-2017. Ongoing priorities are general human (civil and political) rights protection; land rights; and Gender Based Violence. ADHOC#s involvement in the special Khmer Rouge Tribunal (KRT), especially on Civil Parties facilitation and awareness raising, will in principle come to end by end 2015. ADHOC#s Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) programme is beyond the pilot phase. The aim is now to shift the role of mediation to trained community members. A new element is implementation of the Gender Road Map (GRM) model in some 6 provinces and complementary to other interventions on GBV. In addition, ADHOC will organise public forums to raise the awareness on the rights and risks of migration in target areas, especially focused onareas of (illegal) migration to Thailand. The advocacy on the reform of the judiciary will be focused to the local level. The project will achieve he following Outcomes by end 2015: Access to Justice - 10% increase in the number of fair trials among some 195 cases defended by ADHOC (compared to 33% in 2014) Human Rights - 65% out of the 200 cases with ADHOC legal support received a fair trial. - 100% of all investigated torture cases are recorded in a secure database system. All cases are accepted by court. Institutionsof investigation respond positively to 30% to 50% of all intervened cases. - All violation of Freedom of Assembly cases handled by ADHOC are investigated. 60% of all demonstrations are without crackdown by the authorities (this is a decrease of 15%). All protestors arrested receive legal aid in court. As a result, more and more people will participate. - All impunity cases investigated are securely recorded and victim#s families protected. In 35% of the cases handled the perpetrators are brought to justice Land and Natural Resources Rights - 80% of affected communities are able to collectively react against land and natural resources encroachments and 25% will be successful in achieving resolution - All communities affected by land conflict trained by ADHOC (50 per year) are aware of their rights, the relevant laws and know how to file complaints to cadastral commissions and the courts, and actively participate in the process. - 29% increased number of victims has received their land back or fair compensation due to strengthened cadastralcommissions and fairer court hearings in 2014 - In 20% of all land conflict cases, victims have received their land back or fair compensation - In more than30% of all land dispute cases, the victims continue to use the land during the conflict - The Cadastral Commissions has carried out fair and timely investigations and complaints are resolved in 10% of the cases. - 70% of trainees change their understanding of basic human rights. 80% of trainees believe participation in peaceful demonstrations as a community to protest land rights abuses and human rights violations can influence government actions; 70% of people trained participate in the process ofconsultation with the commune council to elaborate input and recommendations for the communal development plan; 60% of trainees believe their recommendations accepted by the commune council, will influence the provision of public services and communal developmentplans - 150 people benefitting from legal aid or representation (45% women, 10% under 30 years old) - Living conditions are improved for 100% of all victims seeking assistance from ADHOC Women#s and Children#s Rights - 65%-85% of participants inthe training sessions have increased their knowledge and use it to help their families and their community - The direct GBV complaints increased by 5% - Increased media coverage - Increased use of social media to inform the public about GBV issues andtrafficking/migration abuses - 30% of all married victims of DV get fair divorce - 20% of perpetrators of DV are punished - 83% of murderers in domestic violence cases are punished - In 85% of all DV cases, victims are freed from violence - 55% of rapists are sentenced and imprisoned - 30% of human traffickers are punished (sentenced and/or imprisoned) - Number of victims who accept civil compensation has been reduced by 7% - 100% of cases are treated with sensitivity (anonymity respected, counsellors available etc.) - In 90% of criminal cases of gender-based violence brought to court, victims benefit from legal presentation. - 100% of women who refer to ADHOC receive assistance - 90% of women who refer to ADHOC enjoy a better standard of living after reintegration in their communities - Discrimination against victims has been reduced - Community and authority awareness of gender, women#s and children#s rights, HIV/Aids and migration has risen to 30% - More women file complaints against perpetrators (90% direct complaints) Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) - 43% offamily conflict cases are successfully mediated by ADHOC staff and communities - 93% of minor conflict cases are successfully mediated by ADR community committee - 78% of minor conflict cases are successfully mediated by ADHOC staff - 100% of community committee mediations are conducted by fully trained mediators and are resolved successfully Khmer Rouge Tribunal (KRT) - At the end of the trials, 75% of the communityreports understanding of the trials, including wound-healing and reconciliation. All accused persons are prosecuted and the victims receive moral and collective reparations. - 46 core Civil Party Representatives (CPRs) in collaboration with the remaining 122 CPRs are actively involved in organizing and conducting dialogue meetings