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Land Portal Foundation administrative account
Displaying 81 - 90 of 6947Support for Forest Related MSMEs in Ejidos-Implementation of Forest Investment
The objective of the project is to improve profitability and financial and social sustainability of CFEs in ejidos and other forest communities while mitigating climate change through decreased CO2 emissions from land use change. The results will be that Community Forest Enterprises increase their productivity while leveraging or preserving the natural capital of forest lands. The Program¿s success will demonstrate to other CFEs and to the financial sector that investing in sustainable forest management can be profitable.
Boosting the Competitiveness of Small Forest Producers and Communities in Honduras
The introduction of new business models based on integrated and diversified use of forest resources (timber and non-timber) to increase productivity and production quality. Assurance of environmental sustainability of forests through a clear system of incentives for the management and conservation of forest resources. Product certification, improvement of capacities of argoforestry cooperatives, access to finance and working capital for businesses.
Mindanao Peace and Development Programme RISE Mindanao
Contribution agreement with GIZ for improving social cohesion and resilience of communities and increased economic opportunities in MindanaoSupport will include:1) Institutional strengthening of CDA and selected cooperatives;2) Promoting investment and partnership for value addition and increased productivity3) Promote Climate change adaptation4) Improvement of Governance on Land Tenure
Systematic Registration of communal and Individually Owned land.Administration Agreement for Uganda's National
The objective is to increase security of land rights by consolidating the demarcation and documentation of individually and communally owned customary lands. This would be implemented by inclusion of vulnerable people of both genders. The proposed activities will build on national pilots and initiatives and global and regional best practices. The proposed activities are i) community participation; ii) community awareness; iii) institutional training and strengthening, and iv) monitoring and eva
Promoting Green Economic Initiatives by Women and Youth Farmer in the Sustainable Agriculture Sector in Indone
The project aims to enhance the collaboration among CSOs, LAs and private sectors to strengthen the effectiveness of women and youth involvement in village spatial and land-use planning and to improve the sustainable agriculture practices of women and youth farmer groups in 3 districts in Indonesia.
Secure land rights for all Giving ethnic minorities a voice
Overall Objective: To contribute to the effective promotion and protection of land and forest re-source rights of ethnic minorities in the northern provinces of Vietnam.Specific objective: LANDA member organisations and Commune Mediation Committees are re-sourced to support marginalized communities to claim their land and forest re-source rights and to participate in land governance processes.Final beneficiaries: 500,000 poor and marginalized EMs in northern provinces northern provinces of
Grant to implement the ''Programme for Transboundary Water management in the Cubango-Okavango River Basin''
The overall objective of the Action is to strengthen the Cubango-Okavango river Basin governance and promote sustainable management of its water and land resources. The proposed programme has been defined within the overall structure of the SAP and has the following three specific objectives: 1. To improve the Decision Support Systems (DSS) used in the Cubango-Okavango Basin Development and Management Framework (BDMF) to enable OKACOM to provide effective advice to member states; 2. To strengthen water management in the Cubango-Okavango River Basin, through improved water resources data availability and early warning system; 3. To strengthen land management in the Cubango-Okavango basin through improved land use planning, reduction of environmental degradation and improved livelihood.
Governing multifunctional landscapes in Sub-Saharan Africa: managing trade-offs between social and ecological
The project will address key knowledge, technical and policy gaps related to i) monitoring the global impacts of the Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade Action Plan, and ii) forest and land governance, forest and nutrition, trade in informal and illegal timber products, deforestation-related commodity-based agribusiness, woodfuel and ultimately sustainable forest and land-use management and improvement of livelihoods.
Greater Kilimanjaro Initiatives to enhance community participation in sustainable conservation of the trans fr
Poverty and vulnerability of pastoralist communities will be reduced through an integrated approach which will improve land tenure and land use (Resource Assessors, CDOs) in the target Group Ranches in Kenya and in the Enduimet Conservation Wildlife Management Area (CWMA) in Tanzania, increase the protection of wildlife (Village Game Scouts) and therefore the benefits from wildlife presence in the target areas, develop easy to manage and culturally acceptable eco-tourism products that will be te