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Discover hidden stories and unheard voices on land governance issues from around the world. This is where the Land Portal community shares activities, experiences, challenges and successes.


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Displaying 853 - 864 of 1070
13 February 2018
Emilia Saiz

Major global agreements, such as the Paris climate change agreement, and the SDGs will not come to fruition without local governments


Over a year ago in Quito, after a long negotiation and high involvement of all stakeholders, the atmosphere I could feel in my constituency was that of a promise; a big promise of a different international understanding of the urbanization phenomenon, a new role of cities and local and regional governments in the international governance and a shared vision of the need to rethink models.


12 February 2018

Fernando Eguren, Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales


El 20 de diciembre de 2017, la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas adoptó oficialmente el Decenio para la Agricultura Familiar 2019-2028, lo cual nos brindará excelentes oportunidades de trabajar en conjunto en el impulso a políticas públicas en favor de las familias y agricultores


30 January 2018

Uno de los aspectos más difíciles y problemáticos en el Acuerdo de Paz tiene que ver con el ordenamiento social de la propiedad y el uso de la tierra. Las clases dirigentes y el Estado colombiano fracasaron en la implementación de las reformas rurales de 1936 y 1961, con las que se pretendió la pacificación de la sociedad colombiana mediante la articulación de una reforma agraria con una reforma política. ¿Estamos ante la posibilidad de un nuevo fracaso del problema agrario tras el Acuerdo con las Farc?

29 January 2018
Alfred Brownell, Devan Braun

Land is connected to many of our most pressing global issues. For example, a significant body of empirical evidence supports the view that strengthening indigenous and local communities’ legal rights to their land is a crucial strategy for avoiding deforestation and mitigating climate change.

22 January 2018

Ahmed Jaradat
Miembro Vía Campesina en Palestina e investigador del Alternative Information Center (AIC)


Traducción realizada por Antonio Parrales

19 January 2018
Andy White

2018 could be transformative for the indigenous and community land rights movement, with unprecedented opportunities for scaling up rights recognition around the world.

18 January 2018
Yuliya Panfil

It's time to ditch the jargon and tell stories about property rights that create the impact needed for change

In a world bombarded with information, stories are everything. Strong storylines can inspire movements and shift attitudes. The “99 percent” story sparked a global conversation about income inequality, and fueled the Occupy Wall Street movement.

05 January 2018
Mr. Chris Penrose Buckley

There’s been quite a hubbub in the land community the last month over the reclassification of two land indicators from ‘Tier III’ to ‘Tier II’. So what’s this all about? For the uninitiated, each SDG indicator has to go through a validation process before it gets included in the formal SDG reporting process that will run from 2020 to 2030.

02 January 2018
Luis Triveno, thanstad

The recent series of devastating hurricanes in the Caribbean has reminded the world, once again, that natural disasters are not equal-opportunity destroyers. The economically marginalized and those lacking secure land and property rights are often disproportionately affected for at least three reasons:





26 December 2017

The legal rights afforded to Indigenous communities in Bolivia and Chile differ greatly. Val Reynoso investigates. 

Bolivia and Chile differ significantly in the ways their governments address issues pertaining to Indigenous peoples. These differences are caused by the neoliberal economic system and legacies from the Pinochet era in Chile, as well as the centering of Indigenous issues and redistribution of wealth in Bolivia.   

06 December 2017
Momula rajashekhar reddy

Those of you who have visited Dubai in recent years may relate to what I am going to say: Dubai is in the middle of the desert, and its land, not that long ago, was really worth nothing. Now it is one of the most vibrant international cities in the world. All this happened in a relatively short time span.

06 September 2017
Jeffrey Sachs

By Professor Jeffrey Sachs, Chairman of the Advisory Board of CCSI, University Professor at Columbia University, and Director of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network