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Countries Africa related Debate


Displaying 1 - 12 of 23
9 December 2014 to 23 December 2014
Discussion extended until 24 December  2014. Keep sharing your reflections!   2014 has been declared as the International Year of Family Farming (IYFF). As this year closes, it is timely to take stock of how gender dynamics and women’s rights have been considered in the framework of studies and…
28 January 2018 to 8 February 2018
Land and resource loss, and change and fragmentation in the rangelands have increased dramatically in recent years due to both ‘external’ and ‘internal’ influences, including a lack of recognition of land- and resource-ownership rights, poor land-use planning, and privatization processes. These…
International Land Coalition, Land Portal Foundation, ILC Rangelands Initiative
28 January 2018 to 8 February 2018
Land and resource loss, and change and fragmentation in the rangelands have increased dramatically in recent years due to both ‘external’ and ‘internal’ influences, including a lack of recognition of land- and resource-ownership rights, poor land-use planning, and privatization processes. These…
International Land Coalition, Land Portal Foundation, ILC Rangelands Initiative
28 January 2018 to 8 February 2018
Land and resource loss, and change and fragmentation in the rangelands have increased dramatically in recent years due to both ‘external’ and ‘internal’ influences, including a lack of recognition of land- and resource-ownership rights, poor land-use planning, and privatization processes. These…
International Land Coalition, Land Portal Foundation, ILC Rangelands Initiative
28 January 2018 to 8 February 2018
Land and resource loss, and change and fragmentation in the rangelands have increased dramatically in recent years due to both ‘external’ and ‘internal’ influences, including a lack of recognition of land- and resource-ownership rights, poor land-use planning, and privatization processes. These…
International Land Coalition, Land Portal Foundation, ILC Rangelands Initiative
28 January 2018 to 8 February 2018
La pérdida, cambios y fragmentación de la tierra y de los recursos en pastizales se han incrementado dramáticamente en los últimos años por influencias tanto ‘internas’ como ‘externas’, incluida la falta de reconocimiento de derechos de propiedad sobre tierra y recurso, una ordenación del…
International Land Coalition, Land Portal Foundation, ILC Rangelands Initiative
28 January 2018 to 8 February 2018
La pérdida, cambios y fragmentación de la tierra y de los recursos en pastizales se han incrementado dramáticamente en los últimos años por influencias tanto ‘internas’ como ‘externas’, incluida la falta de reconocimiento de derechos de propiedad sobre tierra y recurso, una ordenación del…
International Land Coalition, Land Portal Foundation, ILC Rangelands Initiative
28 January 2018 to 8 February 2018
La pérdida, cambios y fragmentación de la tierra y de los recursos en pastizales se han incrementado dramáticamente en los últimos años por influencias tanto ‘internas’ como ‘externas’, incluida la falta de reconocimiento de derechos de propiedad sobre tierra y recurso, una ordenación del…
International Land Coalition, Land Portal Foundation, ILC Rangelands Initiative
28 January 2018 to 8 February 2018
La pérdida, cambios y fragmentación de la tierra y de los recursos en pastizales se han incrementado dramáticamente en los últimos años por influencias tanto ‘internas’ como ‘externas’, incluida la falta de reconocimiento de derechos de propiedad sobre tierra y recurso, una ordenación del…
International Land Coalition, Land Portal Foundation, ILC Rangelands Initiative
28 January 2018 to 8 February 2018
La perte, changement et fragmentation de terres et de ressources de parcours ont considérablement augmenté ces dernières années en raison d'influences «externes» et «internes», notamment la manque de reconnaissance des droits de propriété des terres et des ressources, un mauvais aménagement du…
International Land Coalition, Land Portal Foundation, ILC Rangelands Initiative
28 January 2018 to 8 February 2018
La perte, changement et fragmentation de terres et de ressources de parcours ont considérablement augmenté ces dernières années en raison d'influences «externes» et «internes», notamment la manque de reconnaissance des droits de propriété des terres et des ressources, un mauvais aménagement du…
International Land Coalition, Land Portal Foundation, ILC Rangelands Initiative
28 January 2018 to 8 February 2018
La perte, changement et fragmentation de terres et de ressources de parcours ont considérablement augmenté ces dernières années en raison d'influences «externes» et «internes», notamment la manque de reconnaissance des droits de propriété des terres et des ressources, un mauvais aménagement du…
International Land Coalition, Land Portal Foundation, ILC Rangelands Initiative