Les tribunaux civils de l'Inde seraient engorgés par les litiges liés à la propriété. Deux estimations à ce sujet mentionnent un chiffre de deux tiers de toutes les affaires et de quatre-vingts pour cent de toutes les affaires ! On estime qu'une grande partie d'entre eux sont causés par le…
“There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact”
- Arthur Conan Doyle
India is swiftly creating world-class infrastructure that is aiming to emerge as a global manufacturing hub in the post covid world. The greenfield project of Dholera Special Investment Region (DSIR) is an…
In the Three Rivers gazetted forest of northern Benin, the start of the agricultural season is a frequent hotspot of conflict between local communities and forest officials.
It is at this moment when demands are made for forest fees giving permission for residents to cultivate fields or graze…
Na floresta dos Três Rios no norte do Benin, o início da estação agrícola é um cenário frequente de conflitos entre as comunidades locais e as autoridades florestais.
É neste momento que são feitas exigências de taxas florestais dando permissão aos residentes para cultivar os campos ou pastar seu…
Dans la forêt classée des Trois Rivières, au nord du Bénin, le début de la saison agricole est un point chaud fréquent de conflits entre les communautés locales et les agents forestiers.
C'est à ce moment-là que l'on réclame des droits forestiers autorisant les habitants à cultiver les champs ou…
En el bosque de los Tres Ríos, en el norte de Benin, el inicio de la temporada agrícola es un punto de conflicto frecuente entre las comunidades locales y los funcionarios forestales.
Es en este momento cuando se exigen tasas forestales que den permiso a los residentes para cultivar los campos o…
Webinar Recap: Showcasing transformative approaches for women’s land rights
Empowering women to occupy leadership roles and to take an active part in decision making processes in land governance has demonstrated that strides can be made towards gender justice. Increasingly, gender…
Recapitulação do Webinário: Mostrando abordagens transformadoras para os direitos das mulheres à terra
Fortalecer as mulheres para ocupar papéis de liderança e tomar parte ativa nos processos de tomada de decisão na governança da terra tem demonstrado que é possível dar passos em…
Recuento del seminario web: Mostrando enfoques transformadores para los derechos de las mujeres a la tierra
Empoderar a las mujeres para que ocupen puestos de liderazgo y participen activamente en los procesos de toma de decisiones en la gobernanza de la tierra ha demostrado que…
Land and politics is intertwined and it is extremely onerous to separate the two from each other. Politics is very much integral to land in terms of not only who owns or controls it, and who appropriates resources over land. Land is also an asset or a natural resource that has been incessantly used…
The celebration of National Panchayati Raj Day marks a redefining moment in the Constitutional history of India to invigorate and strengthen grassroot democracy in the country, through the institution of Panchayati Raj (73rd Amendment) Act, 1992. This day is also remarkable as on 24th April 2020,…
In many countries men control who gets to use, own, and make decisions about land.
“We used to stay in a corner, quiet. If someone came to take our land or exploit our forests, we did not have the courage to try to stop them.” These words from a woman in Mecoburi, Mozambique reflect how women…