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Countries Kenya related News


Displaying 121 - 132 of 224
15 February 2019
Foi concluída nesta semana a fase de planejamento da iniciativa “Além do Algodão” em Benim, Quênia, Moçambique e Tanzânia. O programa tem o objetivo de impulsionar a geração de renda de agricultores familiares e aumentar a segurança alimentar e nutricional em áreas rurais dos quatro países…
7 February 2019
A court ruling asserting that married women qualify to inherit properties of their fathers and should not be excluded during distribution has stirred debate between defenders of women’s and men’s rights. The ruling was made by the Environment and Land Court in Nyeri, and stopped a woman from…
23 January 2019
More than 8,000 residents of Shimoni in Kwale County want 700 title deeds issued last year by the government revoked. Speaking to the Nation in Shimoni on Wednesday, the locals from eight villages said the issuance process was flawed and a new one should be initiated. They said a complete…
12 December 2018
Civil society and government convene to promote a new advocacy initiative to fuel concrete actions that prioritize girls and women in sustainable development programmes and policies in Kenya.  More than 20 partner organizations today launched the Deliver for Good Kenya Campaign, a new advocacy…
28 November 2018
A herder in Kenya's northern Laikipia was shot dead last week when police tried to confiscate his cattle NAIROBI - Renewed invasions of white-owned ranches by herders in Kenya's northern Laikipia region a year after similar invasions led to deadly conflicts is a sign of cracks in the country's…
26 November 2018
The promise of instant cash meant developers were able to tempt Maasai to sell their ancestral land, often far below market value KAJIADO, Kenya - Five years after Naponi Taiko's husband died, his relatives chased her and the couple's two children off their parcel of land in southern Kenya.…
7 November 2018
As extreme rainfall brings more landslides, farmers are turning to bamboo to protect their land - and making an income from it MAKOMBOKI, Kenya - Lunch at Macharia Mirara's house in the village of Makomboki used to be a cheery occasion as his children chattered about their morning at school. But…
20 October 2018
Transparency International (TI) Kenya is sensitizing youth at the Coast on land and property rights to avert violence related to land disputes in the region. The  organization’s Coast Senior Regional Officer, Ms. Mary  Maneno said the initiative is aimed at promoting youth land ownership rights as…
11 October 2018
The battle in the Kerio Valley illustrates global struggles to balance economic development with the land rights of local people, who lack formal titles KERIO VALLEY, Kenya - Nathaniel Tumo was astounded when an excavator arrived at his farm in western Kenya four years ago and started digging for…
8 October 2018
NAKURU COUNTY, Kenya — Caroline Chepkoeh looked around her idyllic property, perched on a hilltop surrounded by green maize fields as far as the eye can see. A storm front was approaching from the north and the wind swayed the corn stalks and trees alike. The 34-year-old mother of three was bundled…
18 September 2018
MASAITA, Kenya—Twenty years ago, when Rael Chemutai and her husband heard about the fertile land that was for sale near the Mau Forest, about 200 kilometers (124 miles) west of Kenya’s capital Nairobi, they decided to sell their belongings and set out on a journey to finally settle on the…
28 August 2018
New UN report highlights drastic increase in violence and legal harassment driven by rapid expansion of development projects on indigenous lands A significant pattern of abuse has emerged in a wide variety of countries, in which both physical violence and legal prosecution are used against…