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Countries Kenya related News


Displaying 133 - 144 of 224
13 August 2018
Date: 12 août 2018 Source: La police kényane a arrêté samedi de hauts responsables de la commission foncière, dont son président Muhammad Swazuri, sur fond d'une affaire portant sur les compensations étatiques pour l'acquisition de terrains destinés à la construction de la voie ferrée à…
7 August 2018
Date: 6 août 2018 Source: Agence Ecofin (Agence Ecofin) - Les autorités locales du comté de Mombasa au Kenya vont lancer, au mois de septembre prochain, un programme de construction de 32 000 logements sociaux sur les deux ans à venir. Le coût total de ce programme est estimé à 200 milliards de…
26 July 2018
Um grupo de especialistas em direitos humanos condenou um despejo em massa de moradores do assentamento informal de Kibera, no sudoeste da capital queniana Nairóbi.   O apelo feito às autoridades locais é que suspendam a operação até que sejam dadas garantias legais aos residentes. Estima-se que 30…
10 July 2018
  O HER Voice Fund está buscando candidaturas para o Subsídio de Meninas e Adolescentes (AGYW - siglas em inglês) para Influenciar a Política em Seu País. O HER Voice está distribuindo financiamento no valor de USD 2000 para atividades destinadas a influenciar os processos políticos. Os fundos…
6 July 2018
BONN, Germany (Landscape News) — For Erasdus Jefwa Lazaro, a smallholder farmer and father-of-eight in rural coastal Kenya, the small stand of quick-growing eucalyptus and native malia trees on his land is better than money in the bank. Three years on from planting their seedlings, the family…
1 June 2018
Kenya’s Ogiek people are optimistic of returning to their ancestral forests as the government has pledged to honour a landmark ruling ordering reparations for forced eviction. Evictions have ceased and the Ogiek are rehabilitating parts of the Rift Valley’s Mau Forest one year after Africa’s…
21 May 2018
  O Programa das Nações Unidas para Assentamentos Humanos (ONU-Habitat) promoveu um debate na quinta-feira (17) em sua sede em Nairóbi, no Quênia, sobre o Objetivo de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) número 11, que prevê tornar as cidades e os assentamentos humanos inclusivos, seguros,…
7 May 2018
Land and water-related conflicts are flaring up across Kenya, amid drought, population growth and high unemployment By Kagondu Njagi CHUKA, Kenya - Phyllis Mugeni was watering her greens when she spotted a dozen armed men advancing from the lowlands to attack farmers working on the banks of the…
17 April 2018
The Environment Liaison Center International (ELCI) is hiring for the Regional Coordination Unit of the International Land Coalition in Africa, ILC Africa a Programme Development Officer (PDO). Position title: Programme development officer-PDO (local contract) Duty station: Nairobi-Kenya,…
17 April 2018
Environment Liaison Center International (ELCI) is hiring for the Regional Coordination Unit of the International Land Coalition in Africa, ILC Africa a Monitoring, Evaluations and Learning (MEL) Officer. Position title: Monitoring, Evaluations and Learning (MEL) Officer (Local Contract) Duty…
28 February 2018
Kenya’s 2010 constitution guaranteed women extensive land and property rights. But the message wasn’t getting out to the remote communities of the north until a community radio station stepped in. GARISSA, KENYA – As sun sets on Sankuri village, a group of women take advantage of the dropping…
26 February 2018
MAGDALENA AKINYI* HAD a feeling something was amiss when, in 2012, total strangers started coming over to survey her land in Kakamega. The 46-year-old mother of four eventually found out that her husband, who was working in Nairobi, had married a second wife and sold the 4 hectares of land that he…