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There are 933 content items of different types and languages related to advocacy on the Land Portal.
Displaying 49 - 60 of 190

Observatorio Género y Equidad


El Observatorio de Género y Equidad (OGE) es un fundación que promueve el debate, seguimiento, evaluación y reflexión colectiva respecto a la situación de las mujeres en Chile y las políticas dirigidas a la promoción, respeto y garantía de sus derechos. En él colaboran instituciones y organizaciones de mujeres de la sociedad civil, en las que participan académicas y académicos, activistas y expertas/os en temas de equidad de género.

Upside Down World

Upside Down World is a news and analysis outlet covering social movements and politics in Latin America.

Since 2003, we have provided coverage that addresses the imbalance of political and economic power in our hemisphere, highlights voices and victories from social movements, traces the impact of Washington’s imperialism, and takes a critical and investigative look at the region’s political landscape.

Comité de Desarrollo Campesino

El Comité de Desarrollo Campesino CODECA- es una organización de campesinos y campesinas indígenas. Surge en 1992 a raíz de la necesidad de vivir dignamente y cultivar la tierra, lo cual es negado por las malas condiciones laborales en el campo.

Estrategia Nacional de Involucramiento Guatemala


La Estrategia Nacional: Gobernanza Territorial Incluyente y Sostenible para la Seguridad Alimentaria en Guatemala, es el resultado de un proceso de consulta y debate en torno a la problemática agraria, el desarrollo rural, la seguridad y soberanía alimentaria en nuestro país. Esfuerzos similares se están produciendo en otras regiones y países, como expresión de la preocupación y la movilización mundial ante el acaparamiento de tierras y bienes de la naturaleza por parte de grandes empresas.


Mundubat – “un mundo” en lengua vasca- es una Organización No Gubernamental de Cooperación al Desarrollo (ONGD).

Somos un colectivo que desde 1988 coopera con mujeres y hombres, con asociaciones, con comunidades del Sur en sus retos de desarrollo y transformación social. Nuestro compromiso solidario y ético -también en el Norte- quiere contribuir a la defensa de los Derechos Humanos, y al desarrollo humano sostenible en los dos hemisferios.

Debi Chowdhurani Palli Unnayan Kendra


DCPUK is started its activities to increase the economic status of the poor and ultra poor through ensuring their involvement in Income Generating Activities and creating employment opportunities since 1984. It has been implementing multidimensional projects   funded by different funding agencies. Improve educational, Leadership Managerial skill, Project Management, Financial management, Organizational standards and procedures program are  one of the significant objectives of the organization.



Khalifa Foundation-KF started its activities as non government development organization since 1994 to establish human rights for the vulnerable communities in southwest region of Bangladesh. It has been working on the issue of livelihoods, climate change, women rights, child rights and land rights through public awareness, capacity development and alternative income generation.

Darpan Samaj Unnayan Kendra


The increasing woes of millions of the disadvantaged groups of people drew attention of a group of young man and women in the year 2000 in Comilla district and they got together and decided to form an organization in order to meliorate their conditions. Consequently Darpan Samaj Unnayan Kendra was established in the same year on 14th April. Darpan is a non-governmental, non-profitable and non-political voluntary social development Organization.

Badabon Sangho

Badabon Sangho is (a non-profit and non political organisation) working since June 2015 by a group of motivated and dedicated single women in Southwest region of Bangladesh. We believe that communities are best-suited to identify their needs, and the steps required to change their lives.  We work to create economic options, build capacity and self-reliance of grassroots women so they are able to lead their own socio-economic development activities.

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