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2016 Global Food Policy Report

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2016
Sub-Saharan Africa
Southern Asia
South America

The Global Food Policy Report is IFPRI’s flagship publication. This year’s annual report examines major food policy issues, global and regional developments, and commitments made in 2015, and presents data on key food policy indicators. The report also proposes key policy options for 2016 and beyond to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. In 2015, the global community made major commitments on sustainable development and climate change.

2016 Global Food Policy Report: Synopsis [in Arabic]

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2016
South America
Sub-Saharan Africa
Southern Asia
South America

كان عام 2015 لحظة فارقة لمجتمع التنمية الدولية. فلقد ابرزت نهاية الاهداف
الانمائية للألفية التقدم الملحوظ والمحقق لتلك الاهداف منذ عام 1990 ، حيث
انخفضت معدلات الجوع والفقر المدقع ووفيات الأطفال إلى النصف، ومع ذلك تظل هناك
تحديات جسيمة. يستعرض تقرير السياسة الغذائية العالمية لعام 2016 الاتجاهات والاحداث
والتغيرات الكبرى التى تؤثر على الأمن الغذائي والتغذية في عام 2015 وما بعدها؛ كما
يناقش كيف يمكن للنظام الغذائي العالمي أن يساهم فى المزيد من خفض معدلات حدة الفقر،
والجوع، وسوء التغذية مع ضمان الاستخدام المستدام لموارد العالم. وسوف يكون عام 2016

2016 Global Food Policy Report: Synopsis [in Russian]

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2016
South America
Sub-Saharan Africa
Southern Asia
South America

Для международного сообщества 2015 год стал поворотным моментом. Окончание срока выполнения Целей развития тысячелетия подчеркнуло поразительные успехи, достигнутые с 1990 года: доля людей, живущих в крайней нищете, уровень детской смертности и масштабы голода сократились почти вдвое. Однако по-прежнему остаются огромные проблемы.

Climate change, food security, and socioeconomic livelihood in Pacific Islands

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2015
Solomon Islands
Papua New Guinea

Climate change projections internationally accepted as being reliable indicate that most countries in the Pacific region will suffer large-scale negative impacts from climate change. These impacts are likely to include elevated air and sea-surface temperatures, increasingly unpredictable rainfall patterns, rising sea levels, and intensification of extreme weather events such as tropical cyclones and El Niño-related droughts.

Rapport 2016 sur les politiques alimentaires mondiales: Synopsis

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2016
South America
Sub-Saharan Africa
Southern Asia
South America

L’année 2015 a marqué un tournant décisif pour la communauté internationale du développement. L’aboutissement des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement a souligné les avancées remarquables enregistrées depuis 1990 : l’extrême pauvreté, la mortalité infantile et la faim ont toutes chuté à peu près de moitié. Toutefois, un défi considérable demeure.

Food policy in 2015-2016: Reshaping the global food system for sustainable development

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2016
Sub-Saharan Africa
Southern Asia
South America

The year 2015 saw a new global commitment to sustainable development that will require a reshaping of the world’s food system. The well-being of people and the planet will depend on creation of a food system that is more efficient, inclusive, climate-smart, sustainable, nutrition- and health-driven, and business-friendly.

2016 Global Food Policy Report: Synopsis

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2016
South America
Sub-Saharan Africa
Southern Asia
South America

The Global Food Policy Report is IFPRI’s flagship publication. This year’s annual report examines major food policy issues, global and regional developments, and commitments made in 2015, and presents data on key food policy indicators. The report also proposes key policy options for 2016 and beyond to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. In 2015, the global community made major commitments on sustainable development and climate change.

Informe de políticas alimentarias mundiales 2016: Sinopsis

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2016
South America
Sub-Saharan Africa
Southern Asia
South America

El año 2015 marcó un giro decisivo para la comunidad internacional del desarrollo. Si bien aún persisten retos inmensos, la culminación de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio puso de relieve los impresionantes logros alcanzados desde 1990: tanto la extrema pobreza, como la mortalidad infantil y el hambre se redujeron a casi la mitad.

AIDS mortality and the role of natural resources in household food security in a rural district of South Africa

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2008
South Africa

Although wild natural resources are a standard dietary component in southern Africa, little information exists on these resources' specific role in the maintenance of household food security among HIV-impacted households. In this context, the influence of cash savings or income generated through use or sale of natural resources (e.g., using fuelwood instead of electricity to be able to afford to buy food) is also not known.

Agriculture and climate change: An agenda for negotiation in Copenhagen

Peer-reviewed publication
December, 2009

Agriculture and climate change are inextricably linked. Agriculture is part of the climate change problem, contributing about 13.5 percent of annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (with forestry contributing an additional 19 percent), compared with 13.1 percent from transportation. Agriculture is, however, also part of the solution, offering promising opportunities for mitigating GHG emissions through carbon sequestration, soil and land use management, and biomass production.