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Issues land rights related News
There are 7, 128 content items of different types and languages related to land rights on the Land Portal.
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Asamblea Nacional aprueba la Ley de Tierras

La Asamblea Nacional se allanó a 16 de las 18 objeciones presentadas por el Ejecutivo a la Ley de Tierras Rurales y Territorios Ancestrales, aprobada en enero. Esta ahora podrá entrar al Registro Oficial para ser promulgada.

La norma busca garantizar la redistribución de la tierra productiva para los campesinos sin tierra, con poca tierra o que tienen de mala calidad. Para ello, se crea el Fondo Nacional de Tierras y se establece créditos e incentivos para la producción.

Kenya: Leaders Urge Women to Take Up Leadership On International Women's Day

By: Samuel Karanja and Jacqueline Kubania
Date: March 8th 2016
Source: / Daily Nation

Even though the country has made significant gains in empowering women, female genital mutilation (FGM), rape and domestic violence remain some of the biggest threats that girls and women face daily.

Speaking during the International Women's Day celebrations at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre, women leaders were in agreement that more still needs to be done to safeguard women's rights.

Guatemala: A state of land grabs

By: Pambana Bassett
Date: March 5th 2016
Source: Amandela

The concerns about the massive land grab of Belize, whether it be up to the Sibun River, or the entire 8,867 square miles of land in addition to sea territory, are serious. The oligarchy of Guatemala has made a habit of usurping land from those to whom it belongs, for hundreds of years.

Tanzania: Three Morogoro Region Districts to Benefit From Land Tenure Programme

By: Jimmy Lwangili
Date: March 4th 2016
Source: / Tanzania Daily News

Morogoro — Three districts in Morogoro Region will have their land surveyed in a bid to help people access title deeds and proper management of their land.

Surveying land and allocating it for various purposes will be done in Ulanga, Malinyi and Kilombero districts, through implementation of the Land Tenure Support Programme (LTSP) for Tanzania that kicked off in January 2015.

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