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Issues land dispute related News
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22 December 2018
Territorial dispute behind the forced exodus of residents of Chalchihuitán It’s been 14 months since some 5,000 people in Chiapas were forced to flee their homes in Chalchihuitán. And although about 4,000 have since returned, 1,200 remain homeless, a situation for which they hold the municipal
17 December 2018
Indigenous leaders in Ecuador say that a lack of progress toward addressing key issues stands in the way of their fundamental territorial rights. Concerns include resource extraction projects initiated without proper prior consent and consultation, as well as the activation of several mining and
17 December 2018
The land permit process may exclude indigenous communities from untitled land they have been farming, experts warn BANGKOK - Millions of people risk being forced off their land in Myanmar due to a recently-amended law, which campaigners and analysts warned could also undermine peace negotiations
16 December 2018
Uganda’s land is demarcated into Mailo, Freehold, Leasehold and Customary occupancy, which some consider an irrational land system. Over the years, this tenure has gone through a metamorphosis of traditional, colonial and post-independence vicissitudes; the latter of the three periods, has been
11 December 2018
The Indonesian government launched the One Map Policy Geoportal (KSP Geoportal). This policy involves a more detailed map of land use, hence aiming at resolving overlapping claims - as well as preventing the emergence of new cases - across the country, including in forest areas. The map was
10 December 2018
The Liberia Land Authority (LLA) has said Liberia continues to experience huge land conflicts in Montserrado, Margibi, Nimba, Bong, and Grand Bassa counties as these are the “red zones” of land conflicts in the country. This assertion comes against the current backdrop of a spate of land-related
29 November 2018
Indigenous communities across Malaysia face relentless harassment, intimidation, arrest, violence and even death as they peacefully resist attempts to force them off land they consider ancestral, a report by Amnesty International reveals today.
22 November 2018
The community of Xolobeni, Wild Coast, won a historic battle on Thursday against an Australian company’s attempts to mine the area. The judgment further strengthens communities’ right to decide what happens on their land.  Thursday would have been a proud day for Sikhosiphi “Bazooka” Rhadebe. The
21 November 2018
What is already a bad situation for land defenders and human rights activists could be getting worse
21 November 2018
The Yawuru people’s ancestral lands lie in the Kimberley region of Western Australia, Australia’s largest state. Over the Yawuru people’s strong objections, the Australian company Buru Energy has installed two shale-gas fracking wells on Yawuru land. Although the wells are currently inactive due to
19 November 2018
The West Bengal Assembly on Monday unanimously passed a Bill to give land rights to enclave dwellers in north Bengal, ending an era of uncertain future for the people residing in those enclaves. The West Bengal Assembly on Monday unanimously passed a Bill to give land rights to enclave dwellers in
19 November 2018
QUITO, ECUADOR — Thousands of activists and indigenous leaders have gathered in Quito after a 10-day march across Ecuador in defense of water and land rights. An estimated 2,000 people joined in towns and cities along the route, which began in Tundayme in the Amazonian province of Napo on November

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