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IssuesassessmentLandLibrary Resource
There are 754 content items of different types and languages related to assessment on the Land Portal.
Displaying 181 - 192 of 728

Land governance in South Africa: implementing the Land Governance Assessment Framework

December, 2012
South Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa

The Land Governance Assessment Framework (LGAF) is an innovative and participatory diagnostic tool that assesses the state of land governance in a country. This booklet summarises the results of the LGAF process in South Africa.

The paper indicates that the application of the LGAF in South Africa has been challenging. The country has a well-developed economy, including a well-functioning formal land market. However, informal systems, especially within the communal land areas, are steeped in oral tradition and practice.

The observations made during the LGAF process include:

Zimbabwe: land reform and resettlement: assessment and suggested framework for the future

December, 2001
Sub-Saharan Africa

Interim report on progress with Zimbabwe's fast track programme of land reform, with recommendations on future policy.Recommendations include: Moratorium on changes in existing laws and regulations until a comprehensive land policy can be developedA major effort is required to promote the improvement and growth of agricultural production and service linkages between industry and agriculture in the context of a restructuring of the rural sector.

Assessment of rural poverty: Asia and the Pacific

December, 2001
Eastern Asia
Southern Asia

This report argues that land reform, both tenancy reform and redistribution of ceiling surplus lands to the landless, is important to poverty alleviation.The paper argues that in addition to production benefits, land reform helps to change the local political structure by giving more voice to the poor. Re-distributive land reform, whether through market-assisted land reform programmes or otherwise, should remain a substantive policy issue for poverty reduction.

CARP institutional assessment in a post-2008 transition scenario: toward a new rural development architecture

December, 2007

The main objective of the paper is to explore possible institutional arrangements among the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP), Philippines, implementing agencies in a post-2008 transition scenario for CARP. There were three reasons cited for the implementation of the agrarian reform program, namely: (i) to increase productivity, (ii) to reduce inequality particularly in the countryside, and (iii) to address one of the main causes of the persistent Communist insurgency in the country.

Climate-friendly agriculture and the clean development mechanism: an assessment of future prospects for agriculture and land use change in Latin America

December, 2011
Latin America and the Caribbean

Market solutions based on the trade of carbon offset credits remain a dominant feature in international climate change negotiations. This paper undertakes a preliminary assessment of potential of climate change mitigation projects by evaluating Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects related to agriculture and land use change in Latin America. Results suggest that potential benefits of carbon markets in the agriculture and forestry sectors are often overstated, with failures in the areas of additionality, project accountability and sustainable development.

Land tenure and land management in the districts around Mount Elgon: an assessment presented to Mount Elgon Regional Ecosystem Conservation Programme (MERECP)

December, 2006
Sub-Saharan Africa

This working paper reviews historical and current factors and patterns affecting land use, land tenure, resource access, human settlement, and conflicts over resource access and tenure in the districts around Mt. Elgon in Kenya and Uganda. The paper draws on a series of interviews conducted with government officials in the districts along with other support sources such as paper maps and existing GIS databases.Based on this approach, the common findings from this study in the current setting of land tenure and land management are:

Assessment of Mexico's policies impacting its greenhouse gas emissions

December, 2011
Latin America and the Caribbean

The Climate Action Tracker (CAT) compares and assesses national and global action against a range of different climate targets across all relevant time frames. This report assesses whether Mexico’s current policies and climate action pledges meet the country's targets and approach the targets required for a global 2°C or lower pathway. According to the report, Mexico is among the countries most advanced in reducing emissions from deforestation and ensuring afforestation through payment for environmental services.

Deforestation and Land Use on the Evolving Frontier: An Empirical Assessment [in Nicaragua]

December, 1998
Latin America and the Caribbean

The advance of the agricultural frontier constitutes the biggest source of deforestation in Central America today. This conversion of tropical forests into agricultural land and pasture is the direct result of individual land use decisions. This paper presents a simple analytical model of household land use, followed by an econometric analysis of household survey data from the Río San Juan region of Nicaragua in order to test for consistency with the model.

Assessment of Housing Needs in Namibia

May, 2018

The current paper derives from work conducted in the context of the Revision of the Mass Housing Development

Programme (MHDP) that the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development (MURD) commissioned to the Integrated

Land Management Institute (ILMI) at the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST). The paper contains

only publicly-available information and was prepared for public dissemination of issues related to the work

undertaken for the Ministry in the context of this project. More information about this project can be found on

Routeplanner naar een klimaatbestendig Nederland: Adaptiestrategiën: 3: A qualitative assessment of climate adaptation options and some estimates of adaptation costs

Reports & Research
December, 2007

The Routeplanner project aims to provide a ‘systematic assessment’ of potential adaptation options to respond to climate change in the Netherlands in connection to spatial planning. The study is the result of a policy oriented project that took place between May and September 2006. The aim of the current study is to provide a ‘qualitative assessment’ of the direct and indirect effects of adaptation options and to provide an assessment of some of the costs and benefits of adaptation options.

Verificatie kwaliteit BRP gegevensbank

Reports & Research
December, 2003

De Dienst Basisregistraties (DBR) is verantwoordelijk voor het beheer en onderhoud van de basisregistratie percelen (BRP). DBR heeft Alterra gevraagd een kwaliteitsonderzoek uit te voeren naar de kwaliteitsaspecten juistheid, nauwkeurigheid, tijdigheid en volledigheid van de BRP. Het kwaliteitsonderzoek is uitgevoerd in zeven deelonderzoeken. Verificatie van de kwaliteit heeft plaatsgevonden op basis van veldbezoek, dossieronderzoek en vergelijking met beschikbare referentiebestanden.

Ecologische aspecten van landgebruik: LCA en biodiversiteit

Journal Articles & Books
December, 1999

LCA (levenscyclus-analyse) is een methode om de milieu-effecten van productie en gebruik van een object in kaart te brengen. In het artikel wordt getracht het landgebruik van een activiteit en het daarmee gepaard gaande verlies aan biodiversiteit te kwantificeren en mee te nemen in LCA-studies.Een en ander op mondiaal niveau en uitgewerkt voor verschillende soorten menselijke activiteiten (o.a. zandwinning in Europees landbouwgebied; bauxietwinning in Zuid-amerikaans tropisch bos)