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Stratégie de Développement de la Tunisie Nouvelle.

National Policies
April, 2012

La Stratégie de Développement de la Tunisie Nouvelle est un instrument stratégique multi-sectoriel à portée nationale qui a pour but de faire face aux problématiques de développement existantes et aux déséquilibres structurels ainsi que la consécration des aspirations et des revendications légitimes de la révolution qui sont l’emploi, le développement des régions intérieures, l’amélioration des conditions de vie et la justice sociale.

Order No. 4 of 2002 of Minister of Urbanization and Construction of Georgia on Regulation and Engineering Protection of Sea and River Coastlines

January, 2002

The Order regulates protection measures for the sustainability of coastal zones of the sea, water objects and rivers of Georgia, as well as provides for the state supervision and liability issues for negative erosional processes in the same zones. According to the Order, these regulations are oriented towards an integration of the interests of multiple sectors in order to enhance the sustainability of social and ecosystems.

Environment (Wales) Act 2016 (2016 anaw 3).

March, 2016
United Kingdom

This Act makes provision with respect to a wide variety of matters regarding the environment in Wales including: the sustainable management of natural resources (includes animals, plants and other organisms, air, water and soil) climate change and targets for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases from Wales; collection and disposal of waste; shellfish fisheries; marine licensing; land drainage.

Pribilof Islands Transition Act (16 USC).

December, 2000
United States of America

The Coral Reef Conservation Act of 2000 shall: preserve, sustain, and restore the condition of coral reef ecosystems; promote the wise management and sustainable use of coral reef ecosystems to benefit local communities and the Nation; to develop sound scientific information on the condition of coral reef ecosystems and the threats to such ecosystems; to assist in the preservation of coral reefs by supporting conservation programs, including projects that involve affected local communities and nongovernmental organizations; to provide financial resources for those programs and projects; and

Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) (Wardens) Regulations 2017.

May, 2017
New Zealand

These Regulations, consisting of 15 sections and one Schedule, regulate wardens related to Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana). These regulations are made under the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011. They provide for the appointment of wardens by a customary marine title group to promote compliance with a prohibition or restriction that applies to a protected wāhi tapu or wāhi tapu area. The Schedule deals with: Transitional, savings, and related provisions.

Implements: Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011. (2017-05-11)

Vanuatu Land Use Planning Policy

National Policies
August, 2013

The Vanuatu Land Use Planning Policy is a national sectoral policy of Vanuatu for the period 2012-2017. Its main objective is to guide land use planning by setting priorities and outlining legislative and institutional settings to enable land use planning that encourages the best current use of Vanuatu’s land resources.The Policy aims to support food security.

European Union (Framework for Maritime Spatial Planning) Regulations 2016 (S.I. No. 352 of 2016).

June, 2016

These Regulations give effect in Irish law to Directive No. 2014/89/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for maritime spatial planning by establishing the necessary legal basis for the Minister to implement maritime spatial planning. The Regulations designate the Minister as the competent authority for the purposes of the Directive and provide the broad framework within which the Minister will implement maritime spatial planning.

National Environment Strategy and Action Plan (NESAP) 2016-2023.

National Policies
December, 2016

The National Environment Strategy and Action Plan (NESAP) 2016-2023 is developed in accordance with the the Constitution and 1996 Law on Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Management. It is aligned to Rectangular Strategy Phase III (RSIII), that reaffirms the RGC’s mission and commitment to sustainable development and poverty reduction responding to the people’s will and changing contexts of national and international developments.

National Framework on Marine Spatial Planning in South Africa.

National Policies
May, 2017
South Africa

This Notice of the Minister of Environmental Affairs, publishes the South Africa’s Marine Spatial Planning Framework for implementation.The Framework provides high-level direction for undertaking Marine Spatial Planning in the context of the South African legislation and policies as well as existing planning regimes. It describes the process for the preparation of Marine Area plans and their implementation, in order to ensure consistency in Marine Spatial Planning across the South African ocean space.

National Water Plan 2016-2021.

National Policies
December, 2015

This National Water Plan provides the broad outlines, principles and direction of the national water policy of the Netherlands for the 2016-2021 planning period, with a projection towards 2050. It also concerns related aspects of spatial policy. The National Water Plan lays down the central government’s strategic goals for water management. The Management and Development Plan for the National Waters by Rijkswaterstaat (RWS) outlines the conditions and measures for operational management to achieve these strategic goals.