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Organizational-economic mechanism of formation of land use of agricultural organiations in the conditions of market economy

Journal Articles & Books
October, 2016

In the conditions of new trends of economic development, aimed at replacing the administrative methods of management by mechanisms and principles of market economy, formation of land use of agricultural organizations is an important issue of theory and practice of land resources management. The subject of this research is the formation of land use of agricultural organizations. The object of research is the collection of land uses of agricultural organizations.

Adoptions un cadastre

Conference Papers & Reports
October, 1970

Un cadastre qui sert uniquement à déterminer l'assiette fiscale du propriétaire foncier semble particulièrement bien convenir à des pays dont l’économie est principalement agricole.

Large-scale land based investments in Africa : synthesis report

Reports & Research
May, 2017

The work presented here aims to support the Land Policy Initiative (LPI) Secretariat in spearheading the implementation of the Nairobi Action Plan, particularly the achievement of the first action related to the Assessments of large-scale land based investment (LSLBI) in Africa, in order to build the necessary evidence and analysis required for the implementation of the remainder of the actions under the Plan.

Consultative workshop on land policy in Africa: a framework on action to secure land rights, enhance productivity and secure livelihoods

Reports & Research
March, 2006

In view of the importance of land to Africa’s social, political and economic development, as well as sustainable resource management, AU/NEPAD, ECA and ADB, under the leadership of the AU Commission, agreed to work jointly during 2006-2007 to develop a land policy framework and guidelines, as well as the modalities for its implementation at country, regional and continental levels.

Report on land use policies and farming systems: the case of Somalia and Sudan

Reports & Research
February, 1987

The recent FAO in-depth study on agricultural and food problems in Africa concluded that even the present inadequate food supply situation is unsustainable. Unless major policy decisions are taken and implemented to resolve the food production crisis and reduce the rate of population growth, the trends of the past 25 years will continue and the food supply situation will continue to deteriorate during the next 25 years. Famine of the magnitude experienced during the 1983-1934 drought could become a regular feature even in period of more average rainfall.

Note on : the land tenure system in the Niger customary rights public and private domain

Conference Papers & Reports
January, 1972

The purpose, and often the result, of the legislation which has been gradually introduced over the last fifty years has been to replace a system of unwritten customary rights which varied from region to region with a relatively simple system of land ownership based on written and published texts, familiar to all and applicable to the territory as a whole.

Large-scale land based investments in Africa : synthesis report

Reports & Research
December, 2013

This document focuses on the Synthesis report on Large-scale land based investments in Africa. The specific objective of the work is to prepare an assessment report on LSLBI in Africa with a view to building knowledge and drawing lessons based on best practices for future LSLBI deals that lead to win-win outcomes. In order to do so five regional assessments have been engaged in and are synthesized in this continental synthesis report.

Ethiopia : cadastral survey and registration

Conference Papers & Reports
November, 1970

Of the nation's 122.2 million hectares of total area, 84.1 million hectares of land and 12.1 million hectares of water and water courses comprise the potentially productive cultivable land and water resources of the nation. At present, only 10.4 per cent of the total land area i.e. 12.9 million hectares is put under cultivation of which 9 to 91/2 million hectares have actually "been planted and harvested. Agriculture, the dominant sector of the country's economy is not only a goldmine in terms of potential but also a real source of wealth.