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Issues land management related News
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18 December 2023
A project of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, co-funded by the EU and implemented through the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH has been striving to ensure that investments in land are productive, contribute to sustainable land management
19 January 2023
From March 1, individuals and organisations will need to turn to the Singapore Land Authority (SLA) to apply for the use of state land within HDB estates.
13 December 2022
Dans sa thèse de doctorat soutenue le 10 décembre à Brazzaville sur le thème « La propriété foncière en République du Congo », Elie Jean-Pierre Nongou a proposé au législateur congolais de faire l’effort de légiférer à partir des réalités des fonctionnements sociaux et non à partir des concepts
16 November 2022
The widespread popularity of chocolate has led to a cocoa boom in the DRC, escalating deforestation in the country’s primary forests by impoverished locals in the war-torn region.
14 November 2022
Law schools in Cauca, Colombia are partnering with USAID to promote courses on land and property administration to respond to a growing need in human resources and expertise in land issues.
19 October 2022
Sixth edition of ILDC is being organized in hybrid mode during 7-9 December, 2022 with theme “Global Pulls on Local Lands : Southern Perspectives” at Bengaluru, India. The objective of this year's conference is to further and expand the scope of South-South Exchange around land conversations and
11 October 2022
Mokoro are delighted to publish a new blog from WOLTS Mongolia team member, B. Munkhtuvshin. “Protesting herders to get government support to stop harmful mining operations” is the story of recent demonstrations by nomadic pastoralists opposed to investments in the mining sector that have infringed
13 September 2022
Different marginalized population groups like women, refugees, pastoralists and IPLC will be at the center of the discussion.
25 August 2022
Maasai are being evicted from a Tanzanian wildlife paradise to make way for neocolonial land grabs by the Dubai royal family. The reason? The right to hunt unhindered for the next 30 years. Indigenous Maasai, widely acknowledged as exceptional wildlife conservationists, are being dispossessed of
9 August 2022
Freetown, August 8, 2022 – Sierra Leone’s Parliament has passed two groundbreaking bills that transform communities’ ability to protect their land rights and the environment. The new legislation serves as a model for the rest of the world.   Passed by unanimous votes, the Customary Land Rights and
14 July 2022
Main photo - Officers preparing land certificates to be awarded to residents at Tawaeli Sub-district Office, North Palu, Central Sulawesi, Friday (October 23, 2020). ANTARA PHOTO/Mohamad Hamzah/wsj). Jakarta (ANTARA) - Proper handling of land conflicts occurring in various regions is crucial to
4 July 2022
The session Energy and Climate Justice: A Community aimed to cover discussions onglobal trends around renewable energy and climate finance by adopting a nexus approach connecting land tenure, community, and justice. The following aspects were drawn from comparative experiences from global south

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