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Issuesland registrationLandLibrary Resource
There are 3, 587 content items of different types and languages related to land registration on the Land Portal.
Displaying 745 - 756 of 3340

Valuation Act 1967.

Papua New Guinea

This Act makes provision for the valuation of property, for the registration of land valuers and for the establishment of a Papua and New Guinea Valuers Registration Board. The Act defines the procedures and criteria of valuation of property including land. There shall be various kinds of valuers, i.e. a valuer of urban land, a valuer of rural land or a valuer competent for both kinds of land. Land valuers shall be registered in accordance with this Act in the Register of Valuers.

Facilities for Title Act.


This Act provides for procedures that may be adopted by an approved lending agency where a person applying to an agency for a loan for an agricultural purpose, or for a purpose declared under be an approved purpose by the Minister, is unable to show title under the Registration of Titles Act or a title at common law which satisfies the agency.The Act also provides for the acceptance and execution of mortgages to secure loan and for the establishment of a facilities for Title Compensation Fund and the payment into the Fund of parts of a loan granted by an agency.

Arrêté ministériel nº 001/2006 portant nature des documents fonciers, attributions et fonctionnement des bureaux fonciers dans les districts.

Eastern Africa

Le présent arrêté porte nature des documents fonciers, à savoir la fiche cadastrale, le contrat de bail à court terme et le contrat d'emphytéose, ainsi que les attributions et le fonctionnement des bureaux fonciers dans les districts.

Met en oeuvre: Loi organique nº 8-2005 portant régime foncier au Rwanda. (2005-07-14)

Arrêté présidentiel nº 53/01 portant structure, compétence et fonctionnement du service de conservateur des titres fonciers.

Eastern Africa

Le présent arrêté porte structure, compétence et fonctionnement du service de conservateur des titres fonciers.

Met en oeuvre: Loi organique nº 8-2005 portant régime foncier au Rwanda. (2005-07-14)

Law No. 171-11 on state cadastres.

Central Asia

The scope of this Law shall be keeping the state cadastres, collection and using of the cadastral information. The State cadastre is a component part of the uniform system of the state cadastres and represents the system of updatable information regarding geographic position, legal status quantitative, qualitative characteristics and valuation of natural, economic or other objects to which the state cadastre is applicable.

Loi sur les améliorations structurelles dans l'agriculture (LASA).

Western Europe

La présente loi a pour but de favoriser et d'encourager les entreprises collectives et individuelles agricoles visant à: a) améliorer les conditions de vie et les conditions économiques du monde rural, notamment en région de montagne, et maintenir l'occupation décentralisée du territoire; b) améliorer la fertilité du sol, en assurer l'utilisation judicieuse, en faciliter l'exploitation et le préserver de l'érosion et des dégâts que pourraient causer les phénomènes naturels; d) promouvoir une agriculture rationnelle et économiquement saine en encourageant et en favorisant une exploitation du

Règlement d'exécution de la loi sur les améliorations structurelles dans l'agriculture (RELASA).

Western Europe

Le présent règlement met en exécution la loi sur les améliorations structurelles dans l'agriculture du 10 novembre 1999. Le texte comprend 85 articles répartis en 6 chapitres comme suit: Autorités compétentes (1); Entreprises réalisées par des syndicats de propriétaires (2); Entreprises réalisées par des collectivités de droit privé ou par des particuliers (3); Registre foncier (4); Mesures conservatoires (5); Dispositions transitoires et finales (6)

Met en oeuvre: Loi sur les améliorations structurelles dans l'agriculture (LASA). (2015-01-01)

Presidential Decree No. UP-3780 on privatization of land plots occupied by buildings and constructions of legal persons and citizens.

Central Asia

With a view to ensure purposeful and efficient land use, and also for the development of housing and mortgage market, the President decrees to authorize privatization by legal persons of land plots on which buildings and constructions are located from 1 January 2007. Long-term lease contracts applicable to the plots of land that have not been privatized in accordance with the above-mentioned modalities shall be subject to re-registration. Natural persons shall be authorized to privatize land plots allocated thereto for individual housing construction from 1 January 2008.

Law No. 277-XV amending Article 21 of the Land Code.

Eastern Europe

Article 21 shall acquire a new wording: “Article 21. Inadmissibility of the use of land plots before delimitation of the boundaries thereof in situ. Landowners shall not be authorized to use land plots allotted by the local self-government out of the stock of public land before delimitation of the boundaries thereof in situ by the State Agency on Land Relations and Cadastre”.

Amends: Land Code of the Republic of Moldova. (1999-07-22)

Order No. 9 of the Agency on Land Relations and Cadastre validating Regulation on the state geodetic survey.

Eastern Europe

This Regulation shall be compulsory for legal persons, carrying out geodetic, topographic, cartographic, geodetic exploration and cadastre mapping activity. It establishes the modalities of issuing permits for topographic, geodetic and cartographic activity, registration and accounting of the aforesaid activities, storage, retrieval and access to information. Mapping and exploration shall be carried out by legal persons in possession of licence. Mapping of agricultural land, land surveying and forest mapping shall be carried out without authorization.

Ministerial Decree No. 23 validating Regulation on registration of agricultural land classified as loan capital of agricultural cooperatives.

Eastern Europe

This Ministerial Decree regulates registration of agricultural land of the members of cooperative classified as loan capital and other land owned by the members of cooperative. Agricultural land classified as loan stock shall include agricultural land except for land stock constituting authorized capital stock. Cooperative shall be liable to its members for the use of loan capital for agricultural purposes. Cadastre map of the inhabited area shall be integral part of the register of cooperative land.