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Issuesland-use planningLandLibrary Resource
There are 6, 692 content items of different types and languages related to land-use planning on the Land Portal.
Displaying 2461 - 2472 of 6246

Vietnam - Aligning Public Spending with Strategic Priorities in the Forestry Sector

March, 2012

Vietnam's forests remain dependent
on public resources, including international development
assistance, for the delivery of public and private services
that include timber production, state forest management,
forest protection and biodiversity conservation, and
extension and research. Public subsidies are also provided
to smallholder forest owners to stimulate investments into
the sector. For the Government it is important to

Malawi - Mineral Sector Review : Source of Economic Growth and Development

March, 2012

This mineral sector review examines the
mineral sector as a potential source of growth and
development in Malawi. In seeking the World Bank's
assistance the Government of Malawi was particularly
interested in confirming the potential for mineral sector
growth, identifying which constraints to the development of
the sector need to be addressed by the Government and
suggesting strategies to foster a positive contribution by

Preparing to Manage Natural Hazards and Climate Change Risks in Dakar, Senegal : A Spatial and Institutional Approach

March, 2013

This report describes a pilot study of
natural risk hazards in the peri-urban extension areas of
the Dakar Metropolitan Area, Senegal. The area subject of
this study stretches across 580 square kilometers, covering
less than 1 percent of the national territory, but housing
about 50 percent of Senegal's urban population. Much of
the rapid population growth of the Dakar Metropolitan Area
is taking place beyond the boundaries of the Department of

Forest Law and Sustainable Development : Addressing Contemporary Challenges Through Legal Reform

May, 2012

This study is intended to be a
systematic and practical guide to the basic features of
modern forestry legislation. It identifies a range of issues
that should be considered in assessing the adequacy of
forest laws and presents options for addressing those issues
in ways that may improve the effectiveness of law as a
foundation for sustainable forest management. Part One
locates forestry law within the wider legal framework,

A Framework for Housing Policy Reform in Urban Areas in Egypt : Developing a Well Functioning Housing System and Strengthening the National Housing Program

June, 2012

This document builds upon several recent
studies and reports carried out in the 2006-2007 period. The
first note, entitled analysis of housing supply mechanisms
(World Bank), analyzes the situation of housing supply in
urban areas in Egypt, including the study of existing formal
and informal mechanisms for the delivery of urban housing,
the institutions responsible for supply and regulation, the
characteristics of the formal and informal stock, and the

Technical Assistance to the Agriculture Development Task Force in Afghanistan

February, 2013

This report summarizes the main outputs
of the technical assistance provided which was concentrated
in three areas: (1) development of MAIL's strategic
priorities and investments for the immediate future/short
term, medium term and longer term; (2) advising Ministry of
Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) regarding the
design of an appropriate structure of the Ministry and
definition of corresponding responsibilities; (3)

Foreign Investment in Agricultural Production : Opportunities and Challenges

August, 2012

The recent surge in food and fuel prices
has prompted countries with high dependence on food imports
to try and lock in future food supplies through direct
investment in agricultural production in other countries.
The price surges also led to a wave of proposals to invest
in biofuels investments in agricultural land. While such
investment can provide large benefits, it also carries
considerable risks both to investors and citizens in the

Policy Note : Environmental Management for a Sustainable Economic Development Strategy for Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

February, 2013

This policy note, Environmental
Management for a Sustainable Economic Development Strategy
for Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, investigates six environmental
management topics which will affect the capacity of the
province to develop the economy and need to be underpinned
by strong environmental and natural resource management. The
six topics cover: agriculture, forestry, fisheries, land and
water, environmental law and regulations, and spatial

Forests Sourcebook : Practical Guidance for Sustaining Forests in Development Cooperation

May, 2012

The Forests Sourcebook is divided into
two parts. The first contains an introduction to the book
plus seven chapters covering topics associated with
enhancing the contribution of forests to poverty reduction,
engaging the private sector, meeting the growing demand for
forest products, optimizing forest functions at the
landscape level, improving forest governance, mainstreaming
forest considerations into macro policy dialogue, and

Implementing the Agenda of the Namibian Ministry of Environment and Tourism : A Rapid Country Environmental Analysis with a Public Expenditure Review for Aligning Policy, Institutional and Financing Priorities

June, 2012

This report is organized around three
thematic chapters. Chapter one looks at the contribution of
the environment and tourism sector to the Namibian economy
as well as at some key achievements and challenges. Chapter
two describes the policy and legislative framework, and the
institutional analysis of the environment and tourism
sector. Chapter three examines the financing of the sector
and some key budget management issues. And finally in

Arab Republic of Egypt : Analysis of Housing Supply Mechanisms, Final Note

June, 2012

The objective of this study, requested
by the Minister of Housing, Utilities and Urban Development,
is to assist the government of Egypt in: formulating a
coherent national affordable housing strategy which puts in
place an effective institutional and regulatory framework
that creates the necessary conditions for an efficiently
functioning housing market, devises the incentive structure
needed to promote increased private sector participation in

Growth Prospects for Rukwa Region : Constraints and Opportunities

June, 2012

The Tanzania country office of the World
Bank has been exploring ways in which it can be more
responsive to Government in supporting the National Strategy
for Growth and Alleviation of Poverty (MKUKUTA) and ensuring
growth is an integral part of strategic planning. Given
Tanzania's great regional variations in resource
endowments, growth potential and degree of institutional
development, it was proposed that a regional case study of